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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Let Go Let God With Zeal

Zeal Fuels My Appetite For Life.

Almost everyone has a special interest that fills them with enthusiasm, including me. For instance, I may be finished for the day with the work I love but eager to go back to it tomorrow. This feeling is zeal. Zeal gives me the energy to pursue my dreams. I can work toward my passion tirelessly because it brings me joy. This joy boosts my mood and elevates my outlook. My enthusiasm is evident to everyone around me. I am happy to share my passion with anyone who asks. Zeal energizes me in body, mind, and soul. To remain divinely inspired, I make sure to prioritize time in prayer and meditation every day. Staying connected to my divine source helps kindle my passion and inspires me to pursue the things that spark my zeal. 

Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.—Romans 12:11

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