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Friday, June 21, 2024

Let Go Let God Share Serenity

Serenity Is The Blessing I Receive From God And Share With Others.

When the air is calm and still, a lake’s surface is undisturbed and smooth as glass. It is the picture of serenity, inspiring to all those who see it. When I am calm, unperturbed by the winds of shifting circumstance that swirl around me, I am as serene as the lake surface. My serenity is the peace of God expressing through me. It is my comfort, but it is also a comfort to others, an inspiration that they, too, may know the peace of God as I do. Peace is everyone’s divine right, and it lives in every heart. As I live more and more confidently as the divine being I am, I encourage others to do the same. As more and more people discover the peace that dwells within them, we will bless the world with our shared serenity. 

I will both lie down and sleep in peace; for you alone, O Lord, make me lie down in safety.—Psalm 4:8

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