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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

I Am Enfolded In The Loving Comfort Of God.

At times my stability may be shaken and I may feel I have lost my security and no longer know my place in the world. When this happens, when I don’t know where or to whom I can turn, I take comfort in my faith in God. In the past, my faith has gotten me through other troubling times and low points. I remember this as I cope with present difficulties. God, the one presence and power, was my rock and refuge, the source of goodness and grace on which I could absolutely depend. My faith will carry me through this period as well. I allow myself feelings of sadness and worry, even as I believe this too shall pass. I lift my thoughts from what may be wrong to what is always right: the comforting love of God. 

The Lord is good, a stronghold in a day of trouble; he protects those who take refuge in him.—Nahum 1:7

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