Divine Orders Shop

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Let Go Let God Seek Protection

God's Protecting Presence Fills My Life.

If I am caught in a sudden downpour without an umbrella, my first impulse is to protect myself by seeking shelter from the rain. When storms of change and upheaval come into my life, the first thing I do is seek shelter in God, my enduring source of spiritual protection. The divine presence surrounds me. It is in the grace that spares me from unwanted outcomes and in the surprise blessing that comes, often in unusual ways. As I trust the reliability of this divine protection, I learn to depend upon it. The divine presence is also within me, helping me rely on myself. All the qualities of God are part of my divine inheritance, mine to master and use. When I am in full awareness of these spiritual gifts, I feel God’s protecting presence from within and know I have nothing to fear. 

Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name.—Psalm 91:14

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