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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Let Go Let God Pray For Healing

I Pray For Healing And Am Grateful To Claim My Wholeness.

On days my body hurts or my mind feels troubled or sad, I may pray for healing. In the Silence, I relax into my expanding awareness of God’s presence. Thoughts and sensations of pain and discomfort begin to fade in this space of perfection and peace. I claim wholeness as I pray. This is the truth of me as a spiritual being, no matter the state of my physical or mental health. Knowing there is so much more to me than any health struggles I may be facing refreshes my perspective and renews my strength and fortitude. I may seek treatments I need to feel better, but as I do I hold to the truth of my wholeness and the healing power of God within. My healing is ongoing, a commitment to claiming wholeness I make again and again. 

He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.—Psalm 147:3

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