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Friday, December 31, 2021

Let Go Let God Give Thanks For Divine Order

Giving Thanks For Divine Order, I Welcome The New Year. 

Pausing to reflect on the past year, I may recall times of triumph and struggle, joy and sorrow, peace and turmoil. Even if it was not evident at the time, I can now see divine order unfolding in those events. Even during the more difficult moments, I can find a blessing in how circumstances played out. I know, too, that on the cusp of a new year, divine order continues, as always, to be the undergirding spiritual law in my life. I affirm the orderly manifestation of good in all things, especially when that good is not yet apparent. I begin the year anew with this intention. Affirming that all is in divine order, I am ready to move ahead, giving thanks for the past and expecting abundant good in the new year.

His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.—2 Peter 1:3

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Let Go Let God Know Ease

With God, I Know Ease. 

Struggling to make things happen or trying to control events can feel exhausting, akin to swimming upstream. I remember how much easier it is to swim with the current, following the flow and direction of water. Today I make a new choice. I accept circumstances as they are and surrender that which I wish to change. Spiritual surrender empowers me. When I yield my will, I am cooperating with existing energies, not working against them. In this space, I know ease. I still work toward desired outcomes, but now my energy is cooperative, not combative. I release my need for specific outcomes, instead desiring the highest and best for all involved. I find ease in accepting what is and surrendering to what could be.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.–Psalm 34:4

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Let Go Let God Welcome World Peace

A Peaceful World Begins With Peaceful Thoughts. 

The world I wish to see begins in my mind and heart. I do my part to bring about world peace by committing to holding peaceful thoughts. These thoughts inform my words and actions, which, in turn, inspire others to act in kind. As I prepare to welcome the new year, I bless the world with this prayer: I welcome the peace of God into my heart and envision it flowing into the hearts of all people. Together, I see us transforming discord into harmony, disagreement into accord, and strife into cooperation. I am grateful to do my part to usher in this new way of living. Amen. As the light of peace dawns in each heart, I welcome ever-evolving peace in the new year.

When the ways of people please the Lord, he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them.–Proverbs 16:7

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Let Go Let God Release

I Release The Old And Embrace The New. 

As I think of new beginnings, challenges I’d like to take on, or fresh endeavors I wish to try, I remember that releasing the old makes way for the new. I may feel called to clear out my physical space. If something I own has outlasted its utility, releasing it puts it back in circulation and gives me ample space to welcome the new. Sometimes a spiritual housecleaning is in order. I release thoughts, beliefs, and actions that no longer serve me. I open a space within my mind for new understanding and in my heart for divine inspiration. With a fresh outlook, I am able to discern my spiritual guidance. Releasing the past is the first step toward creating the perfect future.

Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.—Matthew 18:18

Monday, December 27, 2021

Let Go Let God Comfort

God's Comforting Love Is Mine To Share. 

Many times throughout my life a kind word or a friendly gesture blessed me during a difficult time. Even years later, I remember those moments and feel grateful for the kindnesses that comforted me. God’s soothing presence is at the heart of every kind word and loving touch. I am never without the love of God. Remembering how caring people have been there for me in times of need, I look for ways to pass their kindnesses on, to be there for someone who needs me. Even a short message or brief visit can be a comfort to someone who is longing to be lifted up. My compassionate heart always finds the right words and actions. I share the blessing of comfort. There is no difficulty or trial that divine love cannot help overcome.

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.—Isaiah 40:1

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Let Go Let God Through Faith

My Inner Light Grows Brighter Through Faith. 

Pulling back a curtain in a dark room will drive the darkness out and flood the space with light. I remember this at those times when my life feels dark. I have the power to live from faith, which brings me out of spiritual darkness. Faith helps me believe that, even when I can’t see it, the light of God is always shining. Little by little, my awareness of God grows increasingly brighter until I perceive the Divine everywhere. I am a spiritual being, inseparable from God. I place my faith in this truth and drive out the darkness of fear and doubt that may have caused me to shrink from the fullness of life. Shining my light in the world, I inspire those around me to grow brighter with faith.

I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the darkness.—John 12:46

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Let Go Let God It's Christmas

The Light And Love Of Christ Are Born In Me. 

People around the world are celebrating Christmas today. Everyone has a favorite part of this holiday. For some, it’s commemorating a miraculous birth. For others, it is a time to celebrate the company of loved ones and the joy of giving. No matter how I celebrate, I embrace Christmas as a wonder-filled time, the precious opportunity to feel Christ reborn in me. My Advent journey has prepared me to receive this priceless gift. With deep appreciation, I behold with new eyes the miracle of divine life present in every moment. Christ is born anew in us today. I am grateful to joyously celebrate this most holy gift.

Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.—James 1:17

Friday, December 24, 2021

Let Go Let God On Christmas Eve

I Follow Divine Light Toward Rebirth And Renewal. 

A new birth is on the horizon as I follow faithfully the guiding light of Spirit. I anticipate the joyful awakening of a renewed sense of oneness with the indwelling Christ presence. I hold the intention today to imagine myself in the Christmas story. What does a journey to Bethlehem mean to me? I look inward. I may sit in silence as I hold this question in my heart. Whether I will enjoy a quiet day alone or a busy day of preparation and activities, I reverently embrace this prelude to rebirth. I honor myself with the gift of reflection. In the Gospel of Luke, the shepherds took no gifts to Bethlehem other than their humble presence, their very beings. Likewise, I bring the gift of myself—my open and receptive mind, soul, and body.

The shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem.”—Luke 2:15

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Let Go Let God Share Grace

God's Grace Is Always With Me. 

Wherever I am and whatever I am doing, the grace of God is mine. It isn’t something that comes and goes like the wind. Grace cannot be lacking in any situation because God is all good, all the time. The grace of God is within me, and I speak and act as the divine being I am. When I am kind and loving toward others, I am sharing this grace. The blessings of God are infinite and meant for all people. As I share grace, it comes back to me in even greater measure. Knowing this prompts me to be grace in action—loving, giving, and serving. I gratefully and joyfully share the wonders of God that are always flowing through me. I am grateful for the gift of grace.

With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.—Acts 4:33

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Happy

I Choose Happiness. 

No matter what this day brings, I greet it with happiness. Rather than wait for good news or a fortunate turn of events to feel happy, I tap into the joy in my heart to generate my happiness from within. As I focus on happiness, I find it everywhere. Some happiness is easy to find. Of course, I treasure the joy of time spent with family and friends. I also feel a quiet happiness when I spend time in contemplative solitude. I delight in serendipity, feeling blessed by seeming coincidences and breezing through the day with bliss and confidence. No matter the seeming source of my good feelings and cheer, I am grateful because I trust God is always at the root of my happiness.

I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live.—Ecclesiastes 3:12

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Let Go Let God Shine The Light

I Shine The Light Of God. 

Spending time in communion with God lights my way through life. As I center myself in the divine presence within, my inner landscape becomes bright. With each breath, I am increasingly aglow. The light of God burns steadily within me like a candle with an eternal flame. As I shine my light in the world, I am a voice of clarity and hope in moments of turmoil. I am an expression of comfort and faith, blessing those who struggle. I am faith-filled and confident as I follow my divine guidance. God illuminates my inspiration, imagination, and understanding. Today I make a sacred commitment to let my brilliant light shine wherever I am and wherever I go.

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.—John 8:12

Monday, December 20, 2021

Let Go, Let God

I Let Go And Grow In Spiritual Understanding And Faith. 

Growing in spiritual understanding is the journey of a lifetime. It means becoming aware of who I am as a divine being and bringing that awareness into my daily life. My understanding deepens as I let go of fears and outworn beliefs. I let go of any past mistakes or poor decisions and try to be grateful for the lessons I have learned. As I let go, I grow. As I release the past and embrace the present, I can more easily discern the presence of God in all things. With faith and trust, I relax into a future that is unfolding as gently as a flower in bloom. Just as I have let go of the past, I also let go of the future. I surrender to God within by being fully present, heeding my guidance through the fullness of my presence and attention.

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.—Psalm 62:8

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Joy

I Feel Fully Alive And Joyous. 

I feel the joy of God within me as a gentle spring, bubbling up within my heart and bringing energy to all I do. This reassuring feeling is a sure sign that I am living in harmony with my true spiritual identity. I discover joy by connecting with the Christ within. As I become a greater conduit, I find renewed kindness and love to share this holiday season. I express compassionate love as I align my heart with the great heart of God, which beats with a steady rhythm of joy. I share joy through selfless service. Every day offers an opportunity to make a difference by lifting up others with a considerate gesture or a quiet word. Each act of kindness fills my heart with joy.

For the Lord will comfort Zion ... joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song.—Isaiah 51:3

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Let Go Let God Forgive

As I Release Resentments, I Am Released. 

I may feel justified in withholding forgiveness, especially if someone’s words or actions have caused me lasting anguish or pain. Yet, deep within, I believe I should forgive. The emotional exertion of holding on to upset blocks me from the peace and happiness I wish to feel. Today I choose forgiveness to free myself from the weight of resentment. When I forgive, I free myself from any encumbrances that weigh me down. My spirit is lifted, and my heart feels warm and full of love. I am becoming patient, understanding, and compassionate. As I forgive others, it becomes easier to forgive myself. I feel lighter and more likely to see the positive in my life. I am truly grateful for the spiritual gift of forgiveness.

Anyone whom you forgive, I also forgive. What I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ.—2 Corinthians 2:10

Friday, December 17, 2021

Let Go Let God With Self-Care

I Bless Myself With Loving Care. 

I treasure the gift of life and delight in the wonder of my being. I honor and embrace my humanity and my divinity as I practice thoughtful self-care. I discern and respond to my body’s needs. If I feel tired, I make rest a priority. If I feel restless, I get some good exercise. I nourish myself with healthy food of every color of the rainbow. I bless my mind with inspirational reading and challenge myself by learning new things. I honor my past by recalling fond memories. I care for my spiritual self in the company of those I love and who love me. Likewise, I seek solitude when I need some time away from others to focus my attention on God. My spiritual practices keep me steeped in the awareness of divine love, always in the eternal care of Spirit.

For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.—Luke 12:23

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Free

I Take A Higher View And Feel Free.

Sometimes I may feel as if I am looking at life through a knothole in a fence while missing the wider perspective. As I look over the top of the fence, I rise above my narrow view and behold a greater vision. When I see from a higher perspective, more choices become apparent. I feel liberated realizing there is more to life than my past awareness allowed me to realize. I look forward with confidence and purpose. I trust that what is next along my path will lead me to explore new possibilities and discover even greater good. As I open myself to the possibilities emerging in my life, I welcome fresh opportunities for freedom. My spirit soars. I am a soul in evolution with an unlimited capacity to grow and change and be.

So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.—John 8:36

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

My Prayers Lift Up Those For Whom I Pray. 

When I ask for prayer, I trust that those who pray for me envision my highest good coming into manifestation. I do the same when I pray for others by focusing not on what may be troubling them but instead on the activity of Spirit within them. I relax and use my faith to trust that those for whom I pray are divine beings, empowered through the Christ within them. No worldly situation is greater than their divinity and their ability to claim and use divine ideas. I have confidence in this truth especially when their confidence is shaky. My prayers lift these dear ones up. I send them the peace of knowing all is well in Spirit. I give thanks for the unfolding of clear guidance and abundant blessings.

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him.—Ephesians 1:17

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Let Go Let God Give

As I Give, I Gain. 

When I give to another, I feel energized and delighted. Whether it’s a carefully chosen gift or a loving, listening ear, I am uplifted by the very act of giving. I give in countless ways. I give others my time through thoughtful attention. I may volunteer or serve as a mentor. I might share my talents or skills with others or donate to a cause I care about. This giving is my reward. By the law of giving and receiving, I trust I will benefit, possibly in unexpected ways. I also give to myself. I make time for renewal and refreshment. I celebrate accomplishments. I make sacred devotional time a priority and place my attention on my oneness with God.

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.—2 Corinthians 9:7

Monday, December 13, 2021

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

My True Nature Is Wholeness. 

From time to time, I may experience physical and emotional challenges from which I need to heal. I rely on my faith, help from healing professionals, my commitment to self-care, and my positive outlook to regain my health and know my wholeness. I remember my healing involves more than my physical body and my emotional self. Recognizing and claiming my wholeness is perhaps the most important aspect of healing. As a divine being, I am whole regardless of conditions. Someone who has lost a limb is still whole in Spirit, just as one who is healed at the end of life returns to perfect wholeness beyond the physical plane. I embrace the truth of eternal wholeness and cooperate with the healing power always at work in me.

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, says the Lord.—Jeremiah 30:17

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Let Go Let God Love

Love Lights My Way. 

In this Advent season, as I prepare my heart for the rebirth of my inner Christ child, I take a moment to connect with the spirit of love within. Sometimes this season may seem to be about presents, food, and celebrations, but it is really about love. Love is the power upon which the whole world revolves. Especially at this busy time of year, I want to stay attuned to the love of the Christ within. Through this reciprocal power, the love I give returns to me abundantly. Love transcends all, transforming any perceived negativity into a blessing. I express love in all my words and actions. I may give a plate of homemade food or send a heartfelt note of appreciation. Whatever I do, I let the love in my heart be my guide.

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater.—Mark 12:31

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Let Go Let God Flow

I Flow With The Nourishing Life Of God. 

Ancient philosopher Lao Tzu wrote, “The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to.” Whether I experience this flow as the current of a river, the swelling of ocean waves, or my body’s life-sustaining circulation, there is no effort in the flow, only life-giving nourishment. I am in sync with this flow, which by its nature knows which way to go and what to do. I feel this flow in my body, down to my muscles and joints. I am aware of the quiet electrical current in every cell enlivening me. I let go into that stream of energy and expression. God’s life in me is always moving, changing, dancing, and singing its easy melody. By remembering I am one with that universal motion, I become one with the flow.

Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.—John 7:38

Friday, December 10, 2021

Let Go Let God Know Prosperity

Abundant Prosperity Is Mine. 

Occasionally I may admire another’s car, house, or other belongings. I may even compare my possessions to theirs. When this happens, I choose another tack. I notice my envy but don’t condemn myself for it. Instead, I choose to see good fortune and wealth in new ways. I feel blessed by others’ abundance and feel happy for mine as well. At the same time, I realize prosperity is not defined by cars, houses, and clothing. My health, relationships, emotional well-being, and awareness of my oneness with God are the true measures of my prosperity. As I recognize my abundance, I feel deep, abiding peace. Bountiful prosperity flowers in my consciousness. Every day and in so many ways, I am truly blessed.

And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours.—Philippians 4:19

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Let Go Let God Bless Caregivers

I Am Grateful For Your Loving And Compassionate Service. 

People who take care of others hold a special place in my heart. They are guided by empathy and compassion as they give of themselves generously. I honor these selfless souls who help others feel less alone. I bless you. I give thanks for your kind and compassionate spirit, for your gentle touch and thoughtful conversation. I give thanks that you lift the spirits of those in your care. You are a light of love in the world, a channel of healing and peace. Your hands are the hands through which Spirit expresses. Your words are the whispers of Spirit within you. You brighten the lives of those you tend to and those who love them. May your day be as bright as the love you share. May it return to you in abundant measure.

I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.—Matthew 25:35

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Let Go Let God Claim Strength

I Am Strong, Capable, And Confident Within God. 

I draw from my infinite well of divine strength and face difficulties bravely and calmly. All the courage I could ever need is already mine in consciousness. I need only claim it to bring it forth. As the divine idea of strength flourishes in my thoughts, I trust it will manifest as fortitude and perseverance. If I should ever doubt my ability to keep moving toward a goal, I pause to regain my spiritual strength. Breathing deeply, I affirm: Divine strength is mine, and I claim it now. Supported and stable, I am ready to stay the course. No matter what obstacles I face, I call upon my bottomless well of spiritual strength to see me through. All the strength I could ever need is already mine. I know I will persevere.

Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.—1 Chronicles 16:11

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Let Go Let God Protect

The Power, Love, And Light Of God Protect Me. 

A tree is protected from falling on a windy, rainy day because its deep roots keep it firmly in the ground. The branches move with the wind, and the tree may bend, but it does not break. It absorbs the sun’s rays just as it withstands wind and rain. My spiritual roots are planted in God, helping me weather life’s storms. I am flexible as I confront challenges. I am secure because I have faith that the power of God protects me. I gratefully absorb this loving light and let it shine from within me. The sustained shelter of God is my sanctuary. It leads me to protect my body with good nutrition and exercise and protect my mind from troubling thoughts through prayer, meditation, and inspirational reading. In God, I am safe.

Then you will walk on your way securely and your foot will not stumble.—Proverbs 3:23

Monday, December 6, 2021

Let Go Let God With Guidance

I Walk In The Light Of God. 

The light of God is my guide. No matter any upheaval or uncertainty I may be facing, I can always return to my center to access guidance. I am especially comforted by this unfailing truth when I have decisions to make. No matter how large or small the decision, I make choices from a place of inner wisdom and understanding. Some decisions are simple, even insignificant, while others are more consequential and require deeper consideration. All deserve clear thought and good judgment. Connecting with my inner light gives me clarity. In quiet moments of contemplation, I open my mind and heart to indwelling wisdom. Centered in sacred prayer, I receive guidance and make decisions with confidence.

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.—Psalm 25:4

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Let Go Let God Choose Peace

I Choose Peace. 

As I continue on the Advent journey, my thoughts turn to peace. I remember what gives me peace—the beauty of a sunset, a comforting hug, a heartfelt prayer. In those moments, peace encompasses all of my thoughts and feelings, transforming any worries or troubles. I wish to carry that feeling with me always. I realize I do not have to wait for specific experiences to feel peaceful. I have the power to claim peace at all times and in all situations. I affirm that divine peace is greater than any worldly condition. I remain centered and calm and don’t let minor irritations knock me off-center or linger in my awareness. God’s peace is my peace, forever.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Let Go Let God Rest

I Bless Myself With Rest. 

No matter how busy I am or how full my schedule is, I take time to rest. I know that any looming tasks will be there for me to take up later. Now is the time to be still, to create a sacred space, and practice the presence of God. Stillness is a gift, as is silence. In this space, there is nothing to do, no place to be, no rush. Breathing deeply, I let the muscles of my face, shoulders, back, limbs, and torso release any tension they have been holding. My body is comfortable as I relax and let my awareness of my surroundings fade. I am nourished by divine light and love. I sink into tranquility as I experience bliss in the quiet of my surroundings. When I am ready, I return to purposeful activity, refreshed and focused. I am grateful for my rest.

And I say, “O that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.”—Psalm 55:6

Friday, December 3, 2021

Let Go Let God Reach

I Reach For A Fuller Experience Of Life. 

My life expands each time I extend my heart, my hand, or my awareness in new directions to further my growth. I enrich my soul and evolve my consciousness when I open myself to fresh experiences. From making friends to visiting unfamiliar places, life is richer when I take it in bold directions. Centering in the awareness of Spirit, I discern the next step along my path. I wonder where I will be called to go and how I may be of service along the way. Knowing I am divinely guided and inspired, I have faith that I will find the perfect circumstances that allow my life to blossom into its fullest expression. I can’t wait to discover which new and exciting adventures are in store for me when I reach for them.

But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Compassion

I Trust The Power Of Compassion. 

I feel compassion when I recognize all people as beloved children of God, deserving of humane treatment and respect. I do my part by responding to each person I meet with compassionate understanding. But sometimes that doesn’t feel like enough when the needs of the world’s people are so great. When I feel overwhelmed, I extend my compassion beyond those who need help to include others who are called to be of service. Today I give compassionate energy to those who work to alleviate suffering and lift up people who struggle. I bless them in their work, sending waves of appreciation and prayers of strength, affirming that they are provided emotional and material support as they serve those who need them.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them.—Matthew 9:36

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Let Go Let God Stand Fearless

Within God, I Stand Fearless. 

In the past, I may have believed fear would keep me safe and alert to danger. I understand now that fear siphons my energy and causes me to shrink from the fullness of life. My safety is in my awareness. Unlike fear, awareness keeps me present and responsive. I pay attention to fearful feelings and tune in to the messages my distress is sending me. Any fear I feel may inform my awareness, but it does not control my actions. I remember there is no place I can be where God is not, no situation I ever face alone. God isn’t just with me—God is within me. Embracing this divine protection, I am fearless knowing all strength, support, wisdom, and love are mine every moment of every day.

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.—2 Timothy 1:7