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Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Let Go Let God Affirm

I Am Ready, Willing, And Able To Do All That Is Mine To Do.

When I affirm the best and highest things will unfold as I move forward in life, I am connecting with the unlimited potential of the presence of God within and making it my focus. I might speak affirmations aloud, write them down, or post them prominently so I will see them often. A simple Yes, I can is a powerful way to keep a positive attitude. From today forward, I speak heartfelt affirmations of my strength, power, willingness to grow, and the possibilities that come with accepting any situation I face. The presence of God within me is far more powerful than any earthly challenge. I am ready, willing, and able to walk through anything. Yes, I can, and Yes, I will!

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.—Jeremiah 33:3

Monday, January 30, 2023

Let Go Let God Find Comfort

Comfort And Peace Envelop Me In Each Present Moment.

If I feel worried or anxious, I need not wait to feel comforted. Rather than feel overwhelmed or upset, I practice gratitude, finding something to appreciate in each moment. I find comfort in a birdsong or a gentle breeze. I feel solace as I revisit my fondest, heartwarming memories. Reading words of reassurance from a friend or loved one or revisiting my favorite spiritual writing lift me when I am facing a challenge. These expressions of God’s love touch my heart. I connect with God’s comforting love as I pray. In the precious Silence, I affirm peace for myself and all others who need strength and encouragement to keep going. God is our source. I know in my heart God is my enduring comfort through all the seasons of life.

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.—Isaiah 40:1

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Let Go Let God Understand Prosperity

I Broaden My Perspective Of Prosperity.

When I think of prosperity, I may think of financial wealth or my possessions. I may even feel tempted to compare my life to someone else’s and feel as though I come up short in comparison. Today my understanding of prosperity grows. Feeling safe and secure in who I am is prosperity. Knowing I am gloriously made in the image of God is priceless. Realizing the abundance of the natural world and partaking of it is a gift. All of these are wonderful reminders I reside in the kingdom of heaven. The more I appreciate the riches of the material world, the more aware I am of my greatest prosperity—my oneness with God. 

Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?—Matthew 6:26

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Kind

I Am Kind, Caring And Compassionate.

When I show kindness, I am expressing the love of God. I follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who taught love through his words and example. My words are guided by the Christ within, and my actions flow from this same spirit of wisdom, compassion, and peace. Kindness and thoughtfulness nurture good relationships. Whether my actions are large gestures of generosity or small acts of respect, each kind word and deed makes a difference in the life of another and in my life. When I open the door for someone or donate to a worthwhile cause, I trigger a chain reaction that goes on and on. The smallest act of kindness not only blesses the receiver but inspires other acts of kindness, prompted by the same spirit of love and compassion that lives in every heart.

Be kind to one another.—Ephesians 4:32

Friday, January 27, 2023

Let Go, Let God

I Relax Into The Care Of God Within.

It can be hard to practice patience when I’m eagerly waiting for a situation to resolve or a hoped-for answer to arrive. When I wish to reclaim my peace of mind, I let go and let God. I acknowledge my human efforts have reached their limit. I accept that I’ve done my best and resist the urge to ruminate or wonder about what else I could have done. As I relax and release the details and the unknowns in prayer, I trust the highest and best outcomes are unfolding. I remember while my mind may be limited, divine mind is limitless. There are potential outcomes of which my human imagination cannot conceive. Letting go and letting God is an act of faith and spiritual strength. It is how I demonstrate my belief I am precious and important in the mind of God. I let go and expect the best.

Into your hand I commit my spirit.—Psalm 31:5

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Let Go Let God Reach

As I Reach For My Best, I Create Heaven On Earth.

Taking a moment to stretch feels wonderfully luxurious, especially after a long period of inactivity. Spreading my arms, lengthening my spine, and flexing my muscles—oh, what a glorious, refreshing activity. Likewise, my life expands when I reach out in courage, stretching myself in the direction of my growth and spiritual evolution. I broaden my horizons as I dare to dream, envisioning reaching my highest potential. I trust the indwelling Christ presence will guide me along the paths of exploration I have yet to discover. I will travel these paths with confidence, relaxed and ready to stretch in the direction of my greatest growth. I have faith the journey will lead me to create my own heaven, right here on earth.

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 3:14

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Let Go Let God Provide Clarity

Putting God First Gives Me Clarity.

I choose where to focus my attention and energy. If I put the things of the world— work, play, educational and leisure pursuits— first, I may enjoy success, material wealth, and fun, but I likely will not deepen spiritually. But if I place a priority on my spiritual growth, if I put God first, I will more readily commune with the Christ within and live from the power of my divine identity. All good things have their origin in God. My prayers and affirmations, gratitude practice, and anything else I do to keep God in my heart and mind give me clarity, reminding me I am foremost a spiritual being. I keep this truth in mind as I go about my worldly endeavors. I am divine, expressing the power and presence of God as only I can.

But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God.—John 3:21

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Let Go Let God Forgive

As I Forgive, I Make Room For Limitless Good.

As I look back upon my life, I realize how much holding on to resentments from past events and relationships blocks my peace in the present and may even hinder my growth in the future. Forgiveness is the key to my freedom. I set the sacred intention to let go, to forgive, and to be free from the burdens I carry. I also forgive myself for harsh self-reproach and accept myself as the child of God I am. I feel a rush of relief. My shoulders drop, my breath deepens, my arms and hands open in a spirit of generosity and acceptance. Now nothing holds me back from living fully and freely. There is room in my heart for all the love, life, grace, and goodness of God for me to know and to share.

Then the Lord said, “I do forgive, just as you have asked.”—Numbers 14:20

Monday, January 23, 2023

Let Go Let God Live With Joy

Joy Lives In My Heart.

Infinite, expansive joy lives in my heart. Even on days when I may feel a little blue, I can call upon joy to lift me. As I open my heart to fully express the divine love that resides within me, I rediscover my joy. I open to all that I am as a spiritual being. I am a vessel for everything good. With this truth in mind, I let positive emotions flow through my heart and out to the world, even when I may not have the brightest outlook for the day ahead. With joy as part of my spiritual identity, I find the good in every situation. As I practice gratitude, a blossoming sense of bliss and purpose fills me. This is how I experience the presence of God most vibrantly, as the joy that colors the world and the love that gives my life meaning.

They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.—Isaiah 35:10

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Let Go Let God In Power

My Thoughts And Words Reflect My Divine Inheritance.

When I listen to my inner conversation and recurring thoughts, I may hear fear-based, limiting talk or I may hear positive words encouraging me to live joyfully and confidently. The choice is mine. Through my divine gift of power, I take command of my thoughts and my life. I release thoughts of powerlessness, and as I do, my negative self-talk diminishes. I affirm my divine inheritance of faith, wisdom, understanding, and strength with my thoughts, words, and actions. The power to live a full life is mine. I embrace insights I’ve gained through experience. I own my mistakes without shame or embarrassment. I am eager to learn. I am willing to try new things and stretch myself. In power, I thrive.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.—Proverbs 18:21

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Let Go Let God In Faith

Faith In God Helps Me Believe In Myself.

I am a divine being, endowed with an abundance of powerful spiritual gifts. The love that emanates from the heart of God, the power and strength that keep me rooted in truth, and the imagination that sparks my creative spirit and fuels my dreams are not just in God. They are in me. Cocreating with God means using my divine gifts mindfully and with intention. I deepen in faith as I trust I am meant to use my spiritual inheritance to create the life I wish to live and to reach my highest potential. Faith gives me the assurance to trust myself and remember I can do the seemingly impossible because I am not alone. God is with me and within me. I place my faith in this truth and feel confident and capable in mind and body.

You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.—James 2:24

Friday, January 20, 2023

Let Go Let God Flow

Accepting Life Keeps Me In The Divine Flow.

Resistance to what is happening is akin to swimming upstream—it’s expending energy and working hard and not making much forward progress. It’s natural to want to change unjust or unwelcome conditions, but it’s important to choose the perspective from which I will undertake the change. Choosing to behold the Divine all around me, I have patience in situations I may not like and compassion and empathy toward those with whom I may not agree. Cooperating with life and accepting circumstances as they are place me in the flow of life and empower me to respond to agitating situations calmly and from my spiritually centered consciousness. I bring the peace and quiet strength of God. Rather than fight, I flow.

Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.—John 7:38

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

My Prayers Are A Blessing For Myself And Others.

For every challenge that can show up in someone’s life, there is a spiritual solution. I take this to heart as I pray with others. The events of the world may feel beyond my control, but I control my response to them. As I feel my connection to God in prayer, I feel uplifted. I behold everyone and everything through a new lens of possibility and promise. With this refreshed perspective, I let go of my attachments, let go of judgment, and pray from indwelling Spirit with my awareness fully focused on my oneness with God. This radiant light illuminates my mind, my heart, and the minds and hearts of all those for whom I pray. Grateful, I release concern about outcomes and resolutions, assured that all is truly well.

Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.—Ephesians 6:18

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Generous

I Give And Receive With A Generous Heart.

Jesus’ commandment to love one another as he had loved them guided the lives of his earliest followers. That same generous spirit guides my life today. The same Christ nature that is in me is also within everyone I meet. I honor the diversity of the human community. I generously share my time, my talents and skills, and my material resources in ways that will bless my community and help its members thrive. I receive with the same generous spirit that inspires me to give. I appreciate the gifts and insights others share. I am thankful for what I have learned from people whose perspective and experience differ from my own. I celebrate the unique expression of God that each of us is.

Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts.—Acts 2:46

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Let Go Let God Trust Grace

I Trust The Grace Of God Will Make My Journey Smooth.

Throughout life, difficult times may rise and fall like waves on the sea. I am grateful to know my passage across troubled waters is made smoother by divine grace. The presence and power of God within and all around me shields me from the harsher parts of life. I have known God as the grace that enters my life as a random kindness or unexpected blessing, as patience and understanding, as the sudden inspiration that triggered a solution where it looked as though there was none. Every instance of grace is a way to feel the presence and power of God, to know the Divine is active in my life and the world. In times of stress or hardship, there may be no greater comfort. In faith and with gratitude, I welcome God’s grace.

The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness.—Jeremiah 31:2

Monday, January 16, 2023

Let Go Let God Dream

I Dream Of Possibilities For All.

Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I hold a dream in my heart for all people—no matter their background, status, or seeming differences—to live as one, equally deserving of respect and just treatment. We are all spiritual beings. I dream we recognize our sameness, holding the highest vision for the human family as we do for ourselves. I set my intention to remember the sacredness of all people, thus contributing to a global consciousness of love. My faith spans the globe. I dream of equality and acceptance of every individual in a diverse world. I dream of every person seeing and being seen as a vital element of society, each with a valued contribution to the world.

And he said, “Hear my words: When there are prophets among you, I the Lord make myself known to them in visions; I speak to them in dreams.”—Numbers 12:6

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For World Peace

I Rest My Heart In The Peace Of God.

Around the world, so many souls are joining me in my prayer for peace. While the news may give more attention to points of conflict, there is a striving and yearning in the human heart for peace. My prayer supports that desire and strengthens the bonds of love that lead to greater harmony. I begin my affirmation of world peace with a soft and open heart. I am comforted as I realize the advances the world’s people have made over the generations to live together harmoniously. I make an effort to live a more peaceful life and bridge the gaps of understanding between myself and those around me. I focus my attention upon our shared desire—a peaceful world of cooperation and goodwill. This is my heartfelt prayer.

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Let Go Let God For Inspired Action

I Am Ready For Spiritually Inspired Action.

There is a time for thoughts, a time for words, and a time for action. When I have turned something over and over in my mind and have spoken and listened to others speak, it’s time to move forward and put thought and words into action. In the past, I may have regretted taking no action when I should have. Learning from those missteps, I let go of fear and hesitancy now. I know what is mine to do, and I call upon the indwelling strength and power of God to do it. I grow in confidence and clarity of purpose as I take decisive action. So often, getting started is the hardest part. But once I get going, I am unstoppable. Filled with divine zeal, my energy sustains me. I push forward with the power of God as the source and inspiration for my action.

If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.—John 13:17

Friday, January 13, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Protection

The Truth Of God Is My Protection

The world is awash in so much information and so many opinions these days; I may struggle to know what is true, whom and what I can trust. At times like these, I may feel unsure and unsafe in a world that is changing so rapidly. But I remember I need not worry, and I can rely upon the truth of God as absolute goodness and limitless grace. I return to this truth again and again and find my protection. God is my strength, the rock to which I cling when the storms of life shake me and the winds of change howl around me. God is changeless, even as the world changes. God is love, even in the midst of discord. God is peace, even during times of strife. These truths are my protection, now and always.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts; so I am helped.—Psalm 28:7

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Precious

I Treasure Every Moment.

Like a gem, life is precious. When I think about my many blessings, my friends and family, neighbors, and other dear ones come to mind. I relish the natural world and its magnificent sights, sounds, and scents. From the glorious dawn to the brilliant, starry night sky, I am filled with wonderment. As I give thanks for these expressions of the Divine, I feel the love of God in my heart. Immersed in this infinite love, I feel valued and worthy. I, too, am a precious creation of God. I am unique and valuable, and the gifts I have to offer the world are mine alone to give. I treasure each moment of the day. I create tender experiences that will live forever in my heart and bring lasting joy each time I revisit my memories.

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.—Genesis 1:31

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Let Go Let God In Restoration

I Rest In God And Am Restored.

At those times when life wears me down or I feel drained or overburdened, I refresh myself in the healing, revitalizing presence of God. This revitalizing presence can never be far from me because it is part of me. As I touch my indwelling spiritual perfection—the Christ within—I am restored. In harmony with my divine identity, I relax and release all tension. The stress I’ve been feeling dissipates, and calm pervades my mind and body, filling me with the realization all is truly well. In this moment I am restored to wholeness, peace, and joy. I live in the world, but I am part of the spirit of God. This truth is my comfort and my peace. In God, I am restored.

He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake.—Psalm 23:3

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Let Go Let God Remember Divine Order

When I Cooperate With Divine Order, Everything Else Falls Into Place.

When I’m having trouble getting started, when I don’t know where or how to begin, I relax and remember divine order is active in my life. I start by acknowledging God as the one presence and power in the universe. This awareness floods my soul with comforting peace and fills me with quiet confidence. In prayer, I discern my guidance, which leads me on a path of discovery and serendipity. As I follow the direction of my intuitive knowing, I use my divine gifts of imagination and will to picture my path and make the choices to help realize it. My life, my path, and my steps are in perfect order, and I am grateful.

Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.—Psalm 37:23-24

Monday, January 9, 2023

Let Go Let God Say Yes

I Say Yes To Life And Welcome My Good.

Today I say no to fear and inhibition and say yes to life. Like flipping a switch and flooding a room with light, the simple act of saying yes expands my life. An infinite supply of energy fills me, quickening my vital forces. I feel the power of my faith, trusting at a deep level I am lovingly supported on my path. I am open and receptive to the divine flow of life, love, and possibilities. I say yes to prosperity, healing, harmony, and peace. I live with assurance and positive expectancy. When doubts and fears creep into my thinking, I calmly return to the truth of my divinity and the knowledge I am cocreating my future with God. My faith moves me confidently in the direction of my dreams. I say yes to my good today and every day.

Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”—Matthew 9:28

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Let Go Let God Find Freedom

The Divine Presence Within Guides Me To Freedom.

At times, I may feel hemmed in by circumstances, limited by lack of opportunity, or faced with an unwelcome situation and no good choice. When that happens, I may feel anything but free. Rather than despair, I find my freedom in God and the limitless expression of my divinity. Shifting my perspective from the limits of the world to the expanse and perfection of Spirit, peace fills me. I relax and remember that no earthly trouble is greater or more enduring than God. I claim the power of God and feel a strength beyond mere human strength as, moment by moment, I release limiting beliefs and reclaim the power I had given to my problems. Spirit lives in me and as me. This truth is my freedom.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Let Go Let God With Inner Peace

The Peace And Strength Of God Fill Me.

There are many ways in which I can think of peace—in my mind, in my relationships, and in my oneness with God. Every aspect of peace is important to me as I live, work, and function in the world. I am a child of God. I hold this truth in my mind and heart throughout the day. The spirit of God guides me in ways of peace and strength. Secure in this knowledge, I am content. No matter the difficulties that may befall me and temporarily disturb my peace, I am comforted knowing I am never alone. I have within me the comfort and loving guidance of God, which provide me with serenity. Oneness with God is a heartwarming experience, one for which I am so thankful. My heart is full and I am at peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.—John 14:27

Friday, January 6, 2023

Let Go Let God As An Epiphany

I Awaken To The Light Within That Guides Me To My Highest Good.

Epiphany is the celebration of the arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem to honor the birth of the baby Jesus. Guided by the light of the Christmas star, they carried precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In the stillness of the moment, I honor the rebirth of my Christ light and trust its perfection and purity. I celebrate my epiphany as I awaken anew to the innocence, joy, and wonder that are mine to express. As I radiate the light of truth, I happily and gratefully share my divine gifts with the world. It’s a new year—an invitation for me to create the life I choose. With understanding faith and harmonizing love, I move forward with confidence, realizing my dreams with ease and grace.

Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.—Isaiah 60:1

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Let Go Let God With Life

I Shimmer With Life.

I delight in life expressing itself all around me. Whether it’s the wind rustling a tree’s leaves, animals running through a field, or birds gliding across the sky, the principle of life animates the world just as it animates me. Life is. I am. This is my great creative power, the quickening principle that brings my spiritual gifts to vibrant, dynamic activity. I use the power of my mind to refresh how I think, rejecting unhelpful thoughts and speaking affirmations. Movement reinvigorates my body. Spiritual truth and practice revitalize my entire being. I touch the life of God in prayer and experience my renewal. I express the divine gift of life, growing and evolving into the highest and best version of myself.

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!—2 Corinthians 5:17

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Let Go Let God Focus

My Focus Remains On The Divine Spirit Within Me.

There are so many things in my world that are calling for my attention. I may begin dealing with one situation but find myself distracted by something else. It is certainly easy to do. How do I keep from becoming scattered and confused? I find the answer within myself. I am a spiritual being, filled with all the divine wisdom and sound judgment I could ever need. If I begin to feel scattered or pulled in too many directions, I stop for a moment, take a breath, and turn my attention inward. My mind settles as I focus on Spirit. Centering myself in the presence of God, I declare divine order is at work in all aspects of life. This awareness keeps my focus on the divine presence within and all around me.

And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?—Micah 6:8

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Let Go Let God Trust Guidance

My Guidance Leads Me In The Direction Of My Spiritual Awakening.

When circumstances aren’t turning out the way I had hoped, I can make an empowering choice. I resist the temptation to label a disappointing outcome as bad, choosing instead to practice acceptance and listen for what my guidance is telling me. Paying attention to nudges of intuition and insight keeps me in alignment with my soul’s journey and patient as it unfolds. I’m aware of my connection to God and trust in divine guidance. I am tethered to something more dependable than the shifting rhythms of daily life. This understanding allows me to release the fear of the unknown or of being in error. Even if the present situation isn’t what I had hoped for, I trust my guidance and know my journey is ongoing.

You are indeed my rock and my fortress; for your name’s sake lead me and guide me.—Psalm 31:3

Monday, January 2, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Healing

I Am One With The Healing Power Of God.

How comforting it is to know divine life—the healing power of God—lives within me. When I feel less than my best, I remember that as an expression of divine life, I can call upon my indwelling healing energy at any time. When I wish to more fully experience wholeness, I connect with the healing energy within. I speak affirming words of life and energy to my body. I give thanks for the divine intelligence that continually renews my body cell by cell. I trust this infinite life and wisdom and affirm every cell of my body is doing its healing work. Peace flows through my body, restoring my awareness of wholeness. Moment by moment, I am gaining strength and vitality. I am whole, well, and strong. In this knowledge, I give thanks.

For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.—Jeremiah 30:17

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Let Go Let God Create A Fresh Start

Centered In God, I Create A Fresh, New Life.

I begin this year with renewed enthusiasm and a fresh perspective. I feel vibrantly alive as I realize that all the love, wisdom, energy, and strength of God are mine to express in my life, right now. Grateful for the lessons of life experience, I release past disappointments with a forgiving heart. I find harmony in my relationships as I look beyond differences and focus on the divine life and love that unite all people. I go about my work seeking to serve others with a humble heart. I find ways to develop and evolve my skills and nurture my talents, allowing me to continue to grow and learn. This year, I will thrive in all areas of life as I feel God’s presence everywhere I go and in everything I do.

And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.”—Revelation 21:5