The power of divine life restores me to wholeness.
Gospel tells the story of Jesus’ healing encounter at the pool of
Bethesda with a man who had been ill for 38 years. People believed that
at certain times after an angel stirred the waters of the pool, the
first person to enter the water would be healed. When Jesus asked the
man if he wanted to be made well, the man explained that he had no one
to help him to the pool when the water was stirred up. Hearing Jesus
say, “Stand up, take your mat and walk,” the man shifted his belief in
his limitation and freed himself. His faith in the power of divine life
was quickened and he was restored to wholeness. Like the man at the pool, I let go of all belief in illness. I
experience new vitality. The power of divine life restores me to
Jesus said to him, “Stand up, take your mat and walk.”—John 5:8