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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Let Go Let God Have Faith

My Faith Keeps Me Focused On God. 

Whether there is an abundance of good in my life right now or I am experiencing some challenges, the goodness of God endures. I have faith that God is greater than anything I may be called to face, so I center my thoughts on the spiritual presence within me at all times. My faith that divine goodness is active in my life carries me through whatever comes my way. My faith cannot be disturbed or weakened by anything happening in the outer world because I know that God, the one presence and one power, is greater than all circumstances. Throughout my day, I stay rooted in my faith and focused on God. My faith soothes any feelings of fear or sadness and helps me trust that God within is inspiring me in all aspects of my life. 

For we walk by faith, not by sight.—2 Corinthians 5:7

Friday, July 30, 2021

Let Go Let God Enjoy

I Enjoy Life And Its Many Blessings. 

Life is full of the most wondrous things. If I were to try to count everything that makes this world so wonderful, there would be too many to list! The more I look around me, I find even more to appreciate. The beauty abundant in nature always brings a smile to my face. Whether the majesty of a mountain range or the mystery of the ocean, the natural world is full of splendor. Animals, both tame and wild, are a delight to observe. Music and the sounds of the natural world or the taste of my favorite foods give me pleasure. My family and friends, too, bring me so much joy and love. I cherish my time with them. Through it all, I feel the presence of God all around me as I enjoy the world’s wonders.

You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore.—Psalm 16:11

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Let Go Let God Gratefully

I Begin And End Each Day In Gratitude. 

Today I view the world through a lens of gratitude, and I practice it every chance I get. I look around my house and give thanks for a home of warmth, security, and love. I remember with gratitude the people who encouraged and supported me and the many opportunities that came my way. Instead of reflexively saying thanks to the many people who help me throughout the day, I also pause to deeply appreciate their efforts. By making time for gratitude, I begin to feel my energy shift and my body respond. I am lighter, filled with new energy, brimming with hope. I choose to start each day feeling grateful for what is, what has been, and for what each day will bring. I now begin and end every day in grateful prayer. 

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart.—Psalm 9:1

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Forgive And I Am Free. 

When I have experienced something painful and it weighs heavily on my heart, I may want to offer forgiveness. But how? How do I forgive when I am still in pain over the actions of another? I begin by surrendering my bruised feelings in the Silence and opening the way for the free flow of love and peace throughout my soul and body. I quiet my mind. I release all thoughts as I focus on my breath. Settling deeper into the Silence, I let go. I speak these words: I release you, I let you go. You are free. I am free. And so it is. As these words resonate in my heart, I begin to feel light and free. I greet the peace I have gained through forgiving.

Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.—Luke 6:37

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Let Go Let God With A Carefree Heart

My Carefree Heart Soars To New Heights. 

I set my intention today to keep my heart light and carefree. That does not mean every thought or experience of the day will be untroubled, but it does mean I will choose to view the circumstance from the highest perspective of peace and love. I choose to shrug off those little things that sometimes receive too much of my attention. Instead, I look for levity and take all situations with a grain of salt. I respond with a light touch. My carefree heart is filled with the laughter of good friends and beloved family. I enjoy the times we spend together to catch up on our lives or share the experiences of the day. I give thanks for the beauty and goodness that surround me, grateful for the carefree attitude I bring to life.

Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise.—Psalm 84:4

Monday, July 26, 2021

Let Go, Let God

I Do What Is Mine To Do And Trust All Will Be Well. 

Throughout my life, I have learned there is a time to work and a time to rest, just as there is a time to speak and a time to listen. I remember this truth if I find myself working relentlessly to make something happen. There is a time for me to step back and exercise the faith and patience needed to give my efforts time to manifest. I trust this orderly process and let go and let God. I stop my attempts to control life, knowing that the Divine is the very essence of life. I believe my highest good is on the way to me, and this makes it easier for me to be patient and trusting. I do my part and then I relax, knowing the Divine is in and through all things.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.–Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Let Go Let God On Life's Journey

My Life's Journey Begins And Ends In The Heart Of God. 

I feel excitement at the beginning of a journey, thinking about the adventures, the beautiful sights, and the fascinating people I will find at my journey’s end. Even as I look forward to reaching my destination, however, I remain alert, open to the adventures and insights that await discovery along the way. My faith tells me that my spiritual journey began in the heart of God, long before my human birth. In childhood, I looked outward, longing for the adventures that would become waypoints on my journey to maturity. Now I journey inward, longing for the spiritual home I never really left. I am learning that even the most ordinary day can become an opportunity to realize that the heart of God is present everywhere.

The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.—Psalm 121:8

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Let Go Let God With Patience

I Am Patient With Others As They Grow. 

It takes patience to plant a seed and wait for signs of life to spring through the soil, still longer for the bloom to grow into fullness. Through it all, I do my part to encourage its growth. I provide water and sunshine and protect it from destructive elements that might harm the tender seedling. As it grows, I have faith it is evolving exactly as it should, unfolding in an orderly pattern. I remember this as I support others as they grow. This may be overcoming a challenge or moving toward a goal. Either way, I resist the urge to push them in the direction I think they should go or rush their development. I know they are listening to the call of their hearts and their inner voices. I am patient and kind as I offer my support and love.

But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.—Romans 8:25

Friday, July 23, 2021

Let Go Let God Be Gentle

I Move Through Life Gently. 

Like a warm breeze that softly touches the skin, I interact with the world gently. I respond to all people and situations in a calm, loving manner. I listen with an open mind and give with an open heart. Today I choose to extend gentleness to everyone I encounter, including myself. I look to God’s unconditional love as inspiration for how to treat others. As I stay grounded and connected to my gentle spirit, my relationships become healthier and more secure, I feel more compassionate, and I am at peace. I commit to living gently and responding kindly, creating a placid existence that blesses me and everyone in my life.

You must understand this, my beloved: let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God’s righteousness.—James 1:19-20

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Let Go Let God In Awe

I Am In Awe When I Behold God In All Things. 

Beauty surrounds me. In nature, I see glorious colors, infinite life expressed in myriad forms on land, in the water, and in the air. I hear birds singing and enjoy fragrant flowers blooming. I stand in wonder at human creations, admiring the vision, skill, and power used to bring ideas into fruition. I celebrate the awe-inspiring beauty and strength of the human spirit and the infinite Spirit that empowers all people to do great things: to give care when another is in pain; to speak a word of peace to a troubled heart; to give hope to one whose faith is flagging. God is the source of all the beauty and goodness that surround me. When I think of all the ways God is expressing, I am simply in awe.

How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.—Genesis 28:17

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Let Go Let God Celebrate Joy

I Celebrate Joy. 

Sometimes I express my spirit of irrepressible joy and let my happiness flow freely with celebration and enthusiasm. My exuberance bursts forth as spontaneous gratitude for life. My heart is filled with the truth that I am a unique expression of divine joy. Other times, I express my joy more peacefully. I reflect and meditate upon the gentle sense of well-being in my heart, and I move gracefully through life with greater poise and harmony. I am grateful for all the quiet ways that I experience the goodness of God. These may be more subtle, but bring me no less joy. I feel the spirit of joy stirring deep within me, extending out to touch those around me as friendliness and compassion. As I share my heart with the good hearts of others, I find my spiritual purpose in joy.

The joy of the Lord is your strength.—Nehemiah 8:10

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Let Go Let God Accept Healing

I Accept The Fullness Of My Healing. 

With every breath, I send life-sustaining oxygen to my body. Even without my conscious direction, each cell functions according to its purpose. Some cells work to keep my heart beating, while others help me breathe or feel sensations through my skin. No matter their purpose, all are aspects of the divine pattern that aids my body’s healing and its return to wholeness. I yield to the natural process of my healing with deep faith and perfect trust. I feel the love of God blessing my body and mind. As I breathe, softly and slowly, my awareness of the calming assurance of Spirit fills my mind and heart. With gratitude I accept the fullness of my healing at all levels of my being—physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Your faith has made you well.—Mark 5:34

Monday, July 19, 2021

Let Go Let God Choose Inner Peace

The Peace Of God Is In My Mind And Heart. 

Whenever I feel unsettled about the changes happening in the outside world, I remember I have the power to determine my response. After all, if I can decide to be upset, with a little practice I can decide not to be. Inner peace is the key to outer peace. I begin by settling my mind and softening my heart, finding peace within myself. I discover it was there all along, perhaps obscured for a bit by the din and clamor of the outside world. I focus my thoughts on peace and affirm quietly to myself: The news of the world has no power over me. I align my heart and mind with God and claim deep, lasting peace. I repeat this throughout the day to stay peaceful. When I choose peace, peace fills my mind and heart and lights my life.

Seek peace, and pursue it.—Psalm 34:14

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Let Go Let God Realize

I Realize The Power Of Spiritual Truth.

I have had many a-ha moments throughout my life, when something that had befuddled me for years suddenly became clear. It may have been something I tried to learn in school, a skill I practiced and tried to master as I grew, or even an idea that challenged my understanding of the world around me. Whenever I realized something new, I could feel my world expanding, opening up before me in fresh and exciting ways, making me eager to discover even more. On my spiritual journey, I feel a similar excitement as I realize I have so much more than a spark of divinity within me. I am fully divine, just as I am fully human. I feel newly alive in this realization and so very grateful for it.

Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place—and I did not know it!”—Genesis 28:16

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Let Go Let God See Light

Divine Light Shines In And Through Me. 

God’s radiant light is always present in my life. Even at times when my human eyes may see only darkness, I know that there is always light behind it. I hold to the truth that any apparent gloom is temporary and will yield to light and joy. When I turn within, I visualize being surrounded by and filled with spiritual light—the very truth of my being. Indeed, it is the truth about each and every person on earth. I take some time to see this light present in all people and situations in the world. I trust in the spiritual illumination within to give me all the guidance I need. Listening for the still, small voice, I am directed to my highest good. I can always use the light of God to brighten my way.

It is you who light my lamp; the Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.—Psalm 18:28

Friday, July 16, 2021

Let Go Let God Comfort

Journeying To Jerusalem Within, I Arrive At Perfect Peace. 

During classical antiquity, Jerusalem was considered the center of the world, where God resided. Today millions make pilgrimages there to travel in Jesus’ footsteps and be closer to the God of their understanding. Spiritually, this is an inner journey, a destination to reach again and again. Whenever I find myself feeling in need of comfort, my pilgrimage begins. As I relax, I envision each inhalation bringing me closer to the Christ presence within my heart. Exhaling, I feel my burdens lift, lightening my load a little at a time. Step by step, breath by breath, I release my earthly concerns. Continuing along the path of connection, I arrive at the place of peace that surpasses all understanding: my Jerusalem, the presence of God within.

Your rod and your staff—they comfort me.—Psalm 23:4

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Let Go Let God Awake

Fully Awake, I See Clearly. 

Upon awakening, I face a day filled with infinite possibilities. I open my senses to the world around me—its sights, sounds, aromas, textures, and flavors. My world feels new, full of promise and potential. I feel as though anything is possible. I feel this way, too, as I awaken on my spiritual journey. I embark upon my spiritual path anew and open myself to a new experience of God, free from old ideas and preconceived notions that no longer serve me. Unencumbered and freed from old ways of thinking and feeling, I wonder with an open mind, pray with an open heart, and feel my oneness with God anew. I am an awakened soul. I open myself to extraordinary insights and new perspectives, beginning this very moment.

Awake, my soul!—Psalm 57:8

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Let Go Let God Focus

I Keep My Thoughts Focused On God. 

Great peace and joy fill me when I bow my head in prayer or raise my voice in song, my mind filled with thoughts of God and my heart overflowing with love. I wish to carry these blissful feelings with me wherever I go. My spiritual connection guides me in all my travels and interactions, keeping me calm and kind, balanced and unflappable. I center myself in peace and a feeling of deep well-being, which keeps me from feeling swayed by life’s transient rhythms. I meet all circumstances with calm and poise, rising above annoyances and discord. I receive others with kindness and compassion, no matter how they treat me. I respond thoughtfully and act gently, drawing my patience and perspective from my focus on God, my source of love and light.

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.—Jeremiah 29:13

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Let Go Let God Life Is In Divine Order

My Life Is In Divine Order. 

When I’m working toward a goal that gets derailed or postponed, it’s natural for me to feel frustrated or disappointed. Even as I process and honor those feelings I remind myself that divine order is always at work in my life. I remember times when I was upset that my plans and hopes had fallen through, only to realize later that it really was for the best. I carry that awareness with me, and it helps me to accept the disappointments I may face now. Remembering divine order helps me realize my highest good is always on its way, even if I see no evidence of it yet. I trust this orderly process of manifestation and feel grateful for it.

Keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his ordinances, and his testimonies.—1 Kings 2:3

Monday, July 12, 2021

Let Go Let God Believe

I Choose To Believe In The Good. 

I make the faith-filled choice to believe in the goodness of God reflected in the heart of humanity, expressing as healing, harmony, abundant life, and perfect guidance. This empowering belief strengthens my inner connection with God’s love in myself and others. I know that each soul is a unique expression of divine love, a channel through which God is expressing as light, life, and power. There is nothing in all the world for me to fear because I believe in the goodness of God. This power is greater than anything that appears in the outer world. I know that all conditions are brought into alignment with the truth of God. I believe that the loving, abiding presence of God is my experience this day and every day.

If you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.—Mark 11:23

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Know The Truth Of Each Dear One I Hold In Prayer. 

What an honor it is to hold others in prayer. I am grateful for this sacred trust and use it to see beyond appearances, knowing they are temporary conditions. I focus on the unchangeable truth that each one for whom I pray is a divine being, a living expression of God. As I pray for others, I envision divine peace calming thoughts and strengthening faith. I see healing leading to the realization of wholeness. I pray divine love and wisdom create harmony in relationships, guiding every decision. I affirm: Divine order is established in every area of life. I claim for them the zeal to complete everything that needs to be done. I then give thanks, grateful to bless others with the gift of prayer.

Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.—Matthew 18:19

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Let Go Let God Rest

In The Stillness Of God's Peace, I Rest.

Far from a luxury or indulgence, rest is an integral part of my life. Periods of rest help my body recoup from its toil and give my mind time and space to settle from stimulation and effort. My soul responds to my restful interludes by sinking deeply into the awareness of my oneness with God. In times of meditative stillness, I touch eternity and discern an absolute truth beyond my daily life. Any day and any time can be a Sabbath. I keep this time holy by bringing the awareness of God into my heart and soul. I am grateful for my restful interludes and cherish the moments I can bless my mind and body with wholehearted, intentional rest.

So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.—Genesis 2:3

Friday, July 9, 2021

Let Go Let God Energize

I Am Recharged By The Life Energy Of God. 

Just as I revitalize my energy each day with exercise, proper rest, and nutritious food, I remember to recharge my spiritual batteries as well. I take time to feel the divine life that animates me. This God-energy courses through every atom, molecule, and cell of my body, enlivening me. I can look to nature to see this life force in action. As I become receptive to the world around me, I absorb the life essence that is circulating in all the radiant, abundant forms of natural beauty. This heightens my vibration and energizes my emotions and thoughts. My heart grows light as I grow in awareness of this enlivening spiritual presence within me. With each breath I take, I feel more relaxed, more present to the truth that I am alive with God-life.

Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit.—Romans 12:11

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Let Go Let God Express Grace

The Grace Of God Is Always At Work In My Life. 

Many times, I think of God’s grace as something amazing that happens at a time of need. However, grace is so much more than this. It is in and all around me every single day. Grace is God’s unconditional love in expression. When I read something that uplifts me or I take part in a spiritual activity, I am immersed in grace. Anytime I receive an unexpected blessing or kindness from someone, I am being touched by the grace of Spirit. When I pray for others, help someone in need, or show my appreciation, God’s grace is expressing through me. As part of my divine identity, grace is part of me, mine to freely share as perfect love.

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.—Ephesians 2:8

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Let Go Let God Allow Brilliance

I Am A Radiant Channel Of Divine Light.

Jesus encouraged his followers’ spiritual growth when he told them they would do even greater works than he had done. The Bible says we are made in the image and likeness of God. Knowing this, who are we not to shine? We are divine! An incredible beauty emerges when people follow their hearts to do what they love. The closer all people come to expressing their highest potential, the more they radiate a brilliance that encourages everyone else to shine too. I am inspired by this knowledge. As I allow divine energy to surge through me, I become a radiant conduit of divine light. Ablaze with creative potential, I take one step at a time toward my best, brilliant life.

No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.—Matthew 5:15

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Let Go Let God Receive Guidance

I Am Open To Receive Guidance. 

When walking at night, I may rely on a flashlight or lantern to make my path visible. I avoid barriers and pitfalls because I can see the way clearly. The guiding light of the Christ presence within is always shining brightly, illuminating my path through life. I open my mind and heart to receive when I ask for guidance and place my attention while listening deeply. Consciously attuned to Spirit, I enter the inward holy place of peace, exercise my faith, and expect to receive. Asking for guidance along my journey keeps me mindful of my divine light. My guidance leads me to the path that is right for me. I give thanks for the illumination of my next steps when my guidance is revealed to me.

O send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling.—Psalm 43:3

Monday, July 5, 2021

Let Go Let God Claim Prosperity

With Positive Expectation, I Claim My Good Today. 

I’ve heard it said our attitudes help shape our lives and that where our attention goes, energy flows. With this in mind, I choose to hold an attitude of gratitude and prosperity. I appreciate this day and give thanks for the people I will encounter. I pay attention to the many ways I am blessed and the many gifts I receive. Prosperity, I know, is so much more than the number of my possessions. It is feelings of confidence, faith, fullness, and deep, abiding satisfaction. As a child of God, I am endowed with the power to dream and the ability to make my dreams come true. I am prosperous in divine ideas and in my drive to direct my life. I move forward with positive expectation and claim my good today.

Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.—Luke 12:32

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Let Go Let God Celebrate Freedom

In Thought, Word, And Action, I Celebrate My Freedom. 

There are many ways to feel free. I may work hard to become financially free. I may plan trips so I can freely explore the world. I may commit to learning for intellectual freedom or exercise my body for greater freedom of movement. Even as I do my work in the world to know freedom, I remember that I am always free at the level of Spirit. No situation or circumstance has power over me. Every day and in every area of my life, I live from my divine nature, where I am wholly and completely free. Through my inner powers of understanding and faith, I recognize and embrace empowering beliefs. My spiritual gifts of strength and release keep me on course and help me free myself from habits that derail my spiritual growth. Through God within, I am grateful to be free.

For freedom Christ has set us free.—Galatians 5:1

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Let Go Let God Know Ease

Through The Gentle Stillness Of Indwelling Spirit, I Know Ease. 

Jesus taught that the kingdom of God exists here and now. I remember at this very moment, I can access the kingdom and every divine blessing through my connection with Spirit. In times of struggle, I rediscover ease when I remind myself that the peace of God is already mine. I relax, breathing smoothly and rhythmically. I focus on whatever helps me feel my connection to God—perhaps reading scripture or visiting a sacred place. I may seek connection and comfort from the people in my life who love and support me. I relax and release my tension in these precious, mindful moments. I am now at ease and bring my composure to everything I do and everyone I meet.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.—Matthew 11:30

Friday, July 2, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel Protected

The Presence And Power Of God Surround Me, And I Feel Protected. 

And Every person on earth is an individual, here to make a unique contribution to the world. At the same time, each person is a member of the human family and a child of God. I remember this at times I feel vulnerable and alone. There is nowhere I can be that is outside of God. Enfolded within this oneness, I feel safe and protected no matter what comes my way. Seeing myself and all other people as divine beings helps me take comfort from the presence of others. I am free to ask for help and support, knowing the unconditional love of God is expressed through the care and support of my fellow human beings. My protection comes from my awareness of my oneness with God.

I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.—Joshua 1:9

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Let Go Let God Create World Peace

I Send My Heart's Peace Into The World. 

The peace of God is changeless and constant, untouched by the ebb and flow of the world’s conditions. When I wish to see more of that perfect peace in the world, I remember peace begins with me. To keep my awareness of God’s love alive in my heart, I speak words of kindness and am eager to lend a helping hand. I listen deeply and seek to understand another’s point of view. I am patient and considerate, brightening the day of all those I meet. Practicing peace keeps my thoughts and feelings focused on peace. I imagine it flowing from me into the world. Through my thoughts, words, and actions, I take comfort knowing that I am helping to create the peaceful world I wish to see.

If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.—Romans 12:18