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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Let Go, Let God

Free from Fear, I Let Go of Worry and Doubt and Let God be God in my Life. 

German monk and mystic Meister Eckhart said, “Let God be God in you.” As I pause from my daily activities, I reflect on these words and allow them to take wing in my heart. When I release and let go of the desires of the ego, I realize there is only one power and presence. I get out of the way so that I can more fully express God. God is love; I let love be love in me. God is joy; I let joy be joy in me. God is peace; I let peace be peace in all my affairs. I am uplifted by the presence of God in and as my life. I return to the affairs of the world and my personal life free from anxiety about what lies ahead and free from bitterness or regrets about the past. I let go and let God.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you.—Numbers 6:24-25

Friday, November 29, 2019

Let Go Let God be Forgiving

I am Loving and Forgiving. 

Forgiveness is an important way to realize my divine nature. If I am to demonstrate the perfect spiritual presence within me, I must practice forgiveness in all situations and with all people. Some may seem challenging at times, but I know that there is no limit to God’s forgiveness nor my ability to use it. Old hurts and resentments that are difficult to release can stop my forward motion in life. It is up to me to choose to let go of these negative thoughts and feelings. I have not fallen short if I find myself forgiving the same person or event more than once. I resolve to keep forgiving as many times as necessary to completely release and let go. I trust the divine spirit within me to help me remain loving and forgiving.

“How often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.”—Matthew 18:21-22

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Let Go Let God be Thankful

I Am Thankful! 

Gratitude frames my days throughout the entire year. My gratitude expands to all things, so I let my thoughts of thanks radiate out to bless everything in my life. As I give thanks for the love of family and friends, my circle of loving relationships enlarges to allow for even more expressions of love and deeper satisfaction. I give thanks for my little successes as well as my big ones, and I open the way for new, greater ventures and expanding supply. I give thanks for clarity of thought and notice that my peace of mind deepens. I give thanks for the divine activity within my body and mind and feel renewed and revitalized. As my day winds to a close, I take time to appreciate and celebrate each moment of the day that has touched my heart.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.—Psalm 23:6

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Let Go Let God Cocreate Possibilities

I Cocreate with God in Pursuit of my Dreams. 

When I have a dream or an aspiration, I begin by sitting with it in prayer. In oneness with Spirit, I discern the best possibilities to pursue, set goals, and create a specific plan for how to reach them. All things are possible with God when I participate and do my part to work with divine ideas. I take action in faith, knowing the right people and circumstances will come to help me realize and carry out my intentions. If I fall short or run into difficulty, I identify the obstacle then learn from my missteps and become more effective with experience. By knowing that my life reflects my thoughts and mindset, I continually nurture my awareness of the Divine in prayer. I feel fully supported.

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.—Proverbs 16:3

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Let Go Let God Contribute to World Peace

Serving Others, I Contribute to World Peace. 

Sometimes stories I read or see through media bring up feelings of helplessness, frustration, anger, or sadness. What can be done to make a positive difference in this world? Turning off the television or computer may give me a little breathing room, but war, illness, weather disasters, and more still go on. What else can I do? I can give of myself. I can create peace with words of affirmation or appreciation. I can certainly pray for others, but even more, I can put feet under my prayers and volunteer at a shelter, nursing home, church, or wherever I am guided to serve. Bringing peace to someone’s life today can have a ripple effect. They benefit, and so do the others they meet. In service, I contribute to world peace.

Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.—Romans 14:19

Monday, November 25, 2019

Let Go Let God with Joy!

I am Guided to my Highest Good, and my Heart is Filled with Radiant Joy. 

Joseph Campbell wrote in The Power of Myth, “Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” When I allow joy to be my compass, I can trust my heart to show me the way through my life. Whether I am applying for a new position, getting to know a new friend, or planning a trip, I follow my inner inspiration. Obstacles are no challenge for me. My path is clear and I move forward. Joy guides me to my greatest good and allows me to experience all of life’s abundant blessings. Positive opportunities abound in every area of my life, and I go forward with grace and ease. I give thanks and share my radiant joy with the world!

And your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.—John 16:22

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Let Go Let God Embrace Gratitude

As I Embrace Gratitude, I am Filled with an Awareness of Greatness.

It might be tempting to think that we need items and events to be grateful for before we can feel genuine gratitude. However, minister Eric Butterworth suggested that it’s possible to experience the feeling of gratitude without needing a special reason to be grateful. “Just feel it,” he advised, adding that as we simply allow ourselves to feel gratitude, “the flow of intelligence and love and peace and power come through us and manifest as us effectively.” The practice of gratitude, Butterworth explained, “gets us into a full-of-greatness consciousness.” As I generate gratitude, it lifts my heart, quickens my mind and body, and centers me in the flow of good that is present everywhere.

You have made known to me the ways of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence.—Acts 2:28

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Let Go Let God be Centered

I Immerse Myself in my Divine Nature. 

We are entering a season that calls for gratitude, joy, and peace—but I might not always feel that way amid the bustle. Sometimes the busyness, shopping, and crowds of people are fun, sometimes not. So I take this day to center myself within. At my center is God. My divine nature allows me to tap in to all of God’s attributes and call upon strength, wisdom, love, order, or whatever I need at the time. The divine presence is within and around me, and it expresses through me. No matter the demands on my energy or time, I will honor and celebrate the divine child that was born as me. With a single breath, I can realign with my spiritual identity and center myself in this universe of abundance and good.

The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.”—Luke 10:41-42

Friday, November 22, 2019

Let Go Let God Accept Grace

I Accept My Gift of Divine Grace. 

The grace of God is a powerful gift that I receive with willingness throughout my spiritual journey. In the parable of the Prodigal Son, when the young man in the story “came to himself” in the far country, his father rushed to greet him even before he reached the gate of his home. The young man’s desire and effort to return was more than matched by his father’s joyful love and willingness to meet him. When I receive this kind of divine grace in response to a spiritual need, I do so by being willing to say yes to the help that I seek. This inner decision opens me to my divine response. As I access my spiritual resources from within, I am a willing recipient of grace. 

And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up.—Acts 20:32

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Let Go Let God as Serendipity

I Expect and Enjoy Moments of Serendipity.

Serendipity is a happy chance, a stroke of luck. It shows up as a small joy or delight that brightens my day. I don’t want to miss any serendipitous events, so I’m careful to look for them everywhere I go. How fortunate that I happened to be outside one night at the very moment a shooting star streaked across the sky! What are the odds I could find the exact item I wanted as soon as I walked into the store, and then find it on sale at the same time? Each time I notice serendipity, I celebrate inwardly. My life is blessed. My gratitude is abundant. My awareness of God is full. I see each of these moments as evidence of my eternal connection with the Infinite. I accept each one as a gift to nourish my soul.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.—Psalm 37:4

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Let Go Let God through Protection

The Protection of God Lives in me. 

Events may come along in life that leave me feeling lost or afraid, and I might wonder whether I have the strength to make it through them on my own. During times like these, I remember that God is not watching me from somewhere out there. Instead, as we read in the Book of Acts, “In him we live and move and have our being.” That means I am inside God, and God is inside me. My whole life and everything in it takes place within the Infinite. The power, strength, and might of the Divine is in every breath I take, and I know there is nothing I will ever face alone. I feel within my heart for the divine presence there and call forth strength that moves through me with every heartbeat. 

Be strong and bold … because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.—Deuteronomy 31:6

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Let Go Let God be Unlimited

I am Free, I am Unlimited.

I hold these words in my heart anytime I feel stressed or unsure. I affirm: I am free, I am unlimited. As I let these words resonate in my mind, they bolster my confidence. They remind me of my true nature as an unlimited expression of God. Free from any bond of fear or uncertainty, I believe I can do anything I set my mind to. I can try new activities, go to new places, and meet new people feeling confident and composed. I release any fear that I am not enough. I release any thought of insecurity. As I cast away the old thoughts or ideas that once tethered me, I am open to new ways of thinking, living, and being. I am creative and innovative. I am alive. I am free and unlimited!
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free.—Romans 8:2

Monday, November 18, 2019

Let Go Let God in The Silence

I Rest Serenely in the Silence. 

I am often amazed at how my mind works when I take time in the Silence. I may have a flurry of thoughts for the first few moments, but when I focus on my breathing, I become filled with a sense of pure peace. With ease, I release any tension, worry, or fear, and instead feel the absolute love of Spirit. Any thoughts that follow are often spiritually inspired ideas about having a new perspective or taking a particular action. I am one with my higher power. The silence I experience does not require absolute quiet. It is more an attitude that allows me to know the truth that peace is always mine. With certainty and serenity, I rest in the Silence and immerse myself in peace.

In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.—Isaiah 30:15

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

My Life Unfolds in Divine Order. 

Examples of order and progression are all around me. The seasons, the tides, and all cycles of growth are happening in perfect sequence. Trying to rush the process or skip a step would create a disruption of this progression in nature. Like the seasons and tides, divine order guides my life’s unfoldment. I take my cue from the natural world and don’t try to rush my growth or take shortcuts to reach my goals. Instead, I awaken to divine order realizing it helps keep my life in balance. With gratitude, I affirm divine order as I bless my mind and physical body for serving me so well. Acting on the guidance I receive from divine mind, I affirm divine order in all I accomplish.

The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.—Mark 4:28

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Let Go Let God Surrender

In Surrender, I Open Myself to Spiritual Understanding.

On the battlefield, surrender is seen as defeat and an option of last resort. Surrender can also be interpreted as having given up something reluctantly or from a sense of separation. I reject those illusions and affirm that I am one with all humankind. As I awaken to my spiritual nature, I discover that surrender demonstrates great strength. I surrender this day. I let go of the need to be right, and I see good and harmony unfolding in the face of discord. I surrender my attachment to specific outcomes, and I affirm that my best and highest future is unfolding. In surrender, I am strengthened and blessed. I release the struggle, and my stress begins to ebb. I am in the flow of life, and I am grateful.

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Friday, November 15, 2019

Let Go Let God in Serenity

Nothing Can Disturb the Calm Peace of my Soul. 

Blowing winds from a storm can be disruptive when tree limbs fall or the power goes out. At times my life feels as if a storm is brewing, so I choose to take steps that preserve my well-being. When I feel chaotic, I pause and bring my attention to the light of God within me. Placing my hand on my heart, I quietly remind myself that my soul truly cannot be disturbed by outer events. In this inner sanctuary, I pause and offer gratitude for the sense of peace that fills my very being. The serenity deep within me renews and restores me, supporting me as I prepare for the activity of my day. This feeling of peace grows in my heart and naturally expresses in all that I think, say, and do.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.—John 14:27

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Let Go Let God Find Comfort

I am Enfolded in the Comforting Presence of Divine Love. 

In times of loss and sadness, I may feel overwhelmed. I sometimes feel as if I have entered a lonely place and don’t know how to escape from it. However, I do know how to start the healing process. I find a quiet place where I can sit with my feelings and thoughts and then carefully write them down. Seeing them on paper eases my mind and makes them look less overpowering. Using this practice daily helps me take positive steps forward. My spiritual nature will guide me through this challenging time. God is always with me, so I am never really alone. I feel peaceful and comforted. I give thanks for the loving presence within me. 

Then the Lord replied with gracious and comforting words to the angel who talked with me.—Zechariah 1:13

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Let Go Let God as Authenticity

I Discover and Express My True Self. 

Part of being true to myself is being willing to look within my inner world. It can be like a walk in the woods, as I overturn rocks to see what lives beneath them, examine a dried blossom pod to discover its many seeds, or follow a bird’s song to find it in the treetops. Self-aware and living consciously, I am grounded in the understanding that making changes to outer things is not the key to an authentic life—I must go within. I am willing to continue to examine that which underlies everything: my consciousness. The change that stems from looking inward and reconsidering thoughts, beliefs, and habits continues to urge me toward greater exploration and discovery.

Those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God.—John 3:21

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Let Go Let God Follow Gudance

I Develop Greater Spiritual Awareness by Following Guidance. 

My education and experience help me navigate through the maze of life. Like everyone, I want to be able to make sound decisions based upon the best information I can get. The people in my life may share their opinions and ideas, yet I desire and strive for a higher knowing. While I appreciate the gift of free will, I find the number of choices I have before me can be daunting. So I begin with a simple choice: I take some quiet time to notice the feelings that are associated with the decision I must make. I receive my inner guidance, and I follow my intuitive knowing. As I learn to discern and trust my inner feelings, I have faith that I am continually guided.

I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go.—Psalm 32:8

Monday, November 11, 2019

Let Go Let God be Set Free

Centered in God, I am Set Free. 

Freedom is my sacred identity and the joyful song my heart sings! I need to make no outer effort to become free. As I accept my authentic self—my divine identity—I celebrate my uniqueness in God. Knowing this truth releases me into my true state, and I am joyously liberated and free. I have a creative mind, a willing heart, a playful spirit, and a strong imagination. By claiming, engaging, and sharing my spiritual gifts, I find an outlet for my unique expression that allows me to share freely of those gifts. My true nature is revealed as a confident, powerful, loving soul—a perfect out-picturing of God. I now release myself into my natural state of freedom. 

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God.—1 Corinthians 2:12

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I Trust God in You. 

It’s been said that a friend is someone who knows the truth for you until you can know it for yourself. As I pray for others, my intention is not to solve problems, but simply to know the truth, to see the situation rightly. As I receive a prayer request, I remember that the one for whom I pray is an expression of God, made in God’s image and likeness. As I pray for healing, I affirm God’s life expressing. As I pray for prosperity, I affirm God’s wisdom and understanding are guiding the one for whom I pray to greater abundance. As I pray about a relationship concern, I affirm that God’s love is active in everyone involved. I pray in faith, affirming I trust God in you for each one I hold in prayer.

I have prayed for you that your own faith may not fail.—Luke 22:32