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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Love

I am a Loving Presence to Everyone I Meet. 

It has been said that the world needs more love. The truth is that all the love the world could ever need is already present everywhere, because God is love, and God is present everywhere. Created in God’s image, I am divine love in human expression. I know that love is much more than a positive feeling. Divine love is the energy of oneness itself. As I remain centered in divine love, I know oneness in God with all people, including those who are dear to me and those I’ve never met. Divine love helps me see good everywhere and in everyone. I look beyond conflict and limitation and find the good that is always mine to discover.

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.—1 John 4:7

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Open my Heart to Forgiveness. 

Just as a growing child learns through trial and error, so, too, can everyone grow through their mistakes—including me. This seems to be part of the experience of every growing soul, so I choose to forgive my errors, as well as the perceived errors of everyone around me. With an open heart that can offer forgiveness, I develop the capacity for self-compassion as I remember that life is a process of growth for every person. Forgiveness doesn’t just benefit the person forgiven; it also serves as a necessary part of my spiritual growth. I realize acceptance is a necessary part of every soul’s journey, including my own. By extending forgiveness, I am giving this gift to myself. What I give, I truly receive. My heart is open as I freely forgive.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.—Matthew 5:7

Friday, May 29, 2020

Let Go Let God be Eager

I am Eager to Serve, to Help, and to Love. 

I am filled with positive anticipation as I start my day. Although I do not know exactly what today will bring, I know what I can bring to this day. I am eager, open, willing, and ready to make today the very best. If I am faced with an obstacle, I remember that God and I are bigger than any difficulty. Any challenge gives me a chance to express God’s power and love. I am filled with faith about the possibilities for good today. I value the beauty and grandeur all around me. I treasure my relationships, my activities, and my ability to share my encouraging attitude. I am motivated to make a positive difference in life. My uplifting energy touches all around me in heartfelt, hopeful, and helpful ways.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, be all the more eager to confirm your call and election, for if you do this, you will never stumble.—2 Peter 1:10

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

I am One with the Divine Order of the Universe. 

Divine order is the glue that holds the universe together. The planets maintain their orbit around the sun. The stars hold their appointed places. The sun rises and sets, and the hours in between reflect this order. Yet there are times when I feel as if I should have an “out of order” sign affixed to my back. When I feel this way, spending time in prayer helps me align with the universe’s order. I turn away from seeming chaos and still my thoughts for a moment. Breathing in peace, I become calm and allow the Truth to permeate my mind. I am one with the divine order of the universe. I keep this affirmation uppermost in my mind for the remainder of the day, paying special attention to and giving thanks for even the smallest demonstrations of order.

All things should be done decently and in order.—1 Corinthians 14:40

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Let Go Let God Invigorate

Positive Words of Truth Invigorate Me. 

Affirmations elevate my consciousness and align my thoughts with my true nature as a spiritual being. I use positive statements of Truth to redirect my focus from a limiting, discouraging outlook to one of confidence and optimism. I see a clearer view ahead as if I had washed the window through which I look at the world. I feel my shoulders lift as if finally setting down a heavy load I had been carrying for a long time. I feel invigorated as I remove all the blocks that decrease my awareness of the flow of divine life in me. As words of Truth fill my conscious mind, I shimmer with quiet excitement and verve. Starting today I truly feel alive, alert, awake, and enthusiastic.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father … comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.—2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Let Go Let God Renew

The Christ Within Renews My Spirit. 

I take time for the renewal of my mind and body. I feel God within and all around me, filling my soul with love and joy. There is unlimited proof of the Divine when I choose to see with my spiritual vision. I watch little children find joy and amazement in the smallest things. I encounter random acts of kindness in my daily life. Each time I look with my divine nature, I am renewed by what I see. I am heir to abundant, renewing energy within and outside of me. It is always there, even if I don’t feel it. Sharing words and acts of love and blessing is another way to feel renewed. By giving back as God has given to me, I impart divine love to others and my spirit is renewed.

But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.—Isaiah 40:31

Monday, May 25, 2020

Let Go Let God Honor

I Honor All Who Gave Their Lives in Service to Others. 

Memorial Day in the United States is a time to honor the men and women in the military who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. I honor the brave men and women around the earth whose service has made the world a better place. I hold them in my heart with gratitude for my freedom and my safety. I am mindful of my liberty as I remember them with respect. Their sacrifice has not been in vain. Today and every day, I honor those who have given their lives in service. I pause to reflect on the bravery and faith it takes to serve. I send gratitude to everyone for their sacrifice through actions that show my love and appreciation to those who have fallen. I will never forget those I honor today.

Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.—Romans 12:10

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Let Go Let God Invest Faith

I Invest my Faith Only in Possibilities for Good. 

The Parable of the Talents in the Gospel of Matthew tells the story of a wealthy man entrusting sums of money to three of his servants before leaving on a journey. When the man returns, he praises and rewards the two servants who, through wise investments, have doubled the funds entrusted to them. A third servant who, acting in fear, hid the money entrusted to him, receives no reward. The divine faculty of faith that is part of my spiritual inheritance is more valuable than money. I invest my faith wisely by believing and trusting that possibilities for good are present, even where good has not yet manifested, and I act on that belief. My positively directed faith brings rich rewards in consciousness.

You have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.—Matthew 25:21

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Let Go Let God with Power

I Use my Indwelling Power to Direct my Energy. 

When I start my car and begin accelerating, my vehicle moves down the road. I have its power under my control. I realize the power I have is not in the vehicle itself. My power derives from my ability to decide how to use my energy and authority. Whether I am driving a car or implementing an idea, the direction comes from within me. Neither the car nor the idea drives itself. My power comes from my willingness to allow the activity of God to move in and through me. The actions I take express the power of God. My thoughts and words express the spiritual truth of my being. My words and actions contain energy and significance, and I choose them carefully. My power leads me to express my highest, clearest self.

The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.—1 John 4:4

Friday, May 22, 2020

Let Go Let God Bless Pets

I am Grateful for the Love and Companionship of Pets. 

Pets effortlessly express the unconditional love of God. Every time I am with my pets, I experience the joy and comfort that feed my soul. My companion animals are compassion in action, accepting me exactly as I am no matter my mood. Even after my beloved pets pass away, I think of them often and can feel their loving presence. Their memory warms my heart. The bond I have with my animals is part of me forever. I will spend part of today thinking about the animal companions that have blessed my life. Whether they are my pets or those of friends or family, I cherish their presence. I give thanks for the love and fidelity that they give so openly and freely. I bless all pets and am grateful for the gift of their companionship.

The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.—Psalm 145:9

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Let Go Let God Embrace Grace

I Embrace a Life of Grace.

In my human experience I may sometimes fall short of the standards I hold for myself and hurt others through my actions. In my remorse I may punish myself for wrongs I feel I have committed, long after receiving forgiveness from others. Continually blaming myself serves no higher purpose. I remember my divinity as a spiritual being who carries within the source light of the Christ presence. Embracing the grace that is my birthright, I allow its purifying, unifying peace to wash over me, leaving me cleansed and feeling new. I am able to forgive myself, lightening my load and allowing me to move forward with poise and equanimity. Imbued with grace, my words and actions inspire healing and comfort.

But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift.—Ephesians 4:7

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Free

Life is for Living.

Like a baby bird ready to fly from its nest, my soul desires to soar higher and higher. Created in the image and likeness of God, I was born to freely express who I truly am. If I feel frustrated along my life’s journey, I turn to Spirit and remember my true nature. I trust the deep spiritual current within to energize me and power me through any challenges I may encounter. When I am not making progress on a project or I feel stuck in some area of my life, I draw upon the power of Spirit to free myself. I claim my power by affirming: I am free and unlimited; I am powerful beyond measure. I am empowered to break the mental chains that have been holding me back. I choose to soar free because I know that life is for living.

So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.—Genesis 1:27

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Let Go Let God Affirm Inner Peace

I am One with the Presence of God. 

Sometimes the simplest phrase can provide the most benefit, especially in moments when I feel tense or harried. For instance, affirming God and I are one can bring me back to my center, my place of inner peace. These words remind me that I am not alone, that whatever I am facing can be met, achieved, or overcome because I can draw from the wisdom and protection of God. As I repeat God and I are one and breathe deeply, I feel my heartbeat slowing and my body relaxing. I release all anxious thoughts. In this moment, there is only God and me. We are one. I repeat this until I feel a wave of calmness gently envelop me. Resting in the assurance that God and I are one gives me a warm feeling of lightness and peace.

My soul yearns for you in the night, my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.—Isaiah 26:9

Monday, May 18, 2020

Let Go Let God Welcome Joy

Joy Springs Up From Within Me Today. 

True joy comes from trusting God. It is the fruit of my spiritual practice and the awareness that I am more than my physical self and the sum of my experiences. Joy does not depend upon the variables of wealth, circumstances, or possessions. Rather, it comes from a consciousness that creates fertile ground for joy to grow. Pausing for a quiet moment, I imagine a fountain. The beautiful, captivating pattern of flowing water makes soothing, rhythmic sounds that encourage my stillness. I picture brilliant sunlight glistening on water droplets as they fall into a radiating pattern in the pool below. Relaxed and receptive, I now welcome the joy springing up in me.

I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.—John 15:11

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Let Go, Let God

I Let Go and Trust the Divine in Me. 

When faced with a decision to make, do my thoughts turn immediately to divine guidance, or do I seek God’s help only when all else fails? Charles Fillmore wrote that God “loves to be used, and the more you use Him the more easily you use Him and the more pleasant His help becomes.” God lives in me and expresses through me. All of the attributes of God are as near as my next thought. I release my attachment to limited human reasoning. I center my mind and heart on the constant flow of divine love, wisdom, understanding, and strength. In the divine flow I find answers to questions. New possibilities for good emerge. I move forward with confidence.

From there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find him if you search after him with all your heart and soul.—Deuteronomy 4:29

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Bold

I Boldly Explore New Paths. 

As I walk in the footsteps of those who have lived before me—explorers, innovators, and servicemen and servicewomen to name a few—I give thanks for their daring and bravery. Their courage to take risks and blaze new trails inspires me to rise to challenges that will push my boundaries and expand my world. If I find myself hesitating, I acknowledge my fear as I resolve to push past it. The strength and power of God expresses powerfully as me. I am bold in my exploration of every aspect of my being. I ask tough questions and listen to the wisdom of my heart. I draw upon my power of zeal to express myself and confidently walk new paths. In each new circumstance, I reach within to call forth even more. I have more to give and more to live. I live boldly!

Be strong and bold … I will be with you.—Deuteronomy 31:23

Friday, May 15, 2020

Let Go Let God Relax

I am Calm, Peaceful, and Relaxed. 

Is there something in my life that is making me feel tense? Am I in conflict with someone? It is easy to become so focused on such situations that it can be a challenge to let go. At times like these, it is important to find ways to relax. Yes, I can go into the quiet and center myself on the divine source of peace within me. I can also use an affirmation that I can silently repeat to myself wherever I am, whatever I may be doing. I also pause to care for myself by honoring my feelings. If I feel my frustrations start to build, I express my feelings by writing them down or sharing them with a trusted friend or confidant. In caring for myself, I make room to feel calm and relaxed.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways. The Lord be with all of you.—2 Thessalonians 3:16

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Let Go Let God Listen

In the Stillness, I Listen. 

When the world is rife with clamorous noise and chatter, I may become distracted from purposeful activity. My energies may be dissipated as I listen to gossip, dissect the news of the day, worry about the stock market, or fret over trivial matters. In my inner sanctuary, I find comfort and solace. Taking time to go to a quiet space, breathing slowly and deeply, stilling all thought, and releasing all worry, concern, or attachment, I create a sacred space to listen. In the Silence, I surrender my worries and wants to the grace and peace I need, which I find within. As I listen, I build my trust in the Divine. My faith is renewed as I absorb all that I have received in silent contemplation. I return to my activities refreshed and refocused.

And he said, “Let anyone with ears to hear listen!”—Mark 4:9

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Let Go Let God Understand

I am Open and Receptive to the Knowing Presence Within Me. 

My heart carries within it all of the wisdom of my evolving soul, which transcends time and space. I can trust my heart’s wisdom to reveal to me whatever I need to know. As I listen to the knowing deep in my heart, I discover a new understanding of what is mine to do, and I find the strength to carry it out. I quiet myself and focus my awareness on the powerful yet gentle beating of my physical heart, which brings my attention to my spiritual heart’s wisdom. This wisdom is precious and I place my trust in it. In this sacred space, I open myself to receive answers that will be revealed to me as I go about my day. I relax into the knowing presence within me and allow my understanding to unfold.

Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in all things.—2 Timothy 2:7

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I Have Everything I Need.

Infinite supply is always available to me because I am part of the all-encompassing goodness of God. I take this Truth to heart, knowing all that I could ever need is available to me at the level of consciousness. In prayer, I claim the divine idea of prosperity and open myself to an influx of prospering ideas. I am inspired to use my knowledge, inherent abilities, and skills to create conditions that allow me to increase my supply and draw my good to me. Should I come to believe that something is lacking in my life, I need only notice the bounty of the natural world for evidence that I live in an abundant universe. Abundance is mine, and I live in gratitude for my prosperity.

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.—2 Corinthians 9:8