The Divine Within Me Guides Me To Live My Dreams.
So many things can compete for my attention. When I struggle to decide where to place my focus, I go within to discern where my deepest interests and passions lie. As I discover the areas of interest that make me feel most alive, I rely upon my guidance as I seek to learn more about them. My inner compass may lead me to individuals or groups where I can meet like-minded people who share my passions. I may feel led to learn more, either on my own or in a social setting. My interests are one of the ways I connect with my divine nature and God within. The more fulfilled and purposeful I am, the more I am attuned to my guidance, which leads me to learn all I can. As my mind expands, my zeal is kindled, and my life is made rich and full.
Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.—Psalm 25:4