I Take A Higher View Of Life When I Let Go And Let God.
When I felt I did not have what it took to face what was before me, I turned to God for help. When human limitations seemed to hold me down, the divine presence within lifted me up. I felt wisdom and strength greater than my own. As I gave myself over to the presence of God within, the path toward my goal became clear, and in trust I followed. Letting go and letting God does not mean I become a bystander in life. The divine presence works through me as well as for me. Centered in this awareness, I know what is mine to do, and I go forward blessed by divine grace. What a joy and comfort it is to know I need never rely on my human efforts alone. In trust and faith I let go and let God.
But Jesus answered them, “My Father is still working, and I also am working.”—John 5:17