Divine Orders Shop

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Let Go Let God Have Compassion

I Have Compassionate Love For Myself And Others.

Every soul is following a unique path, just as I am. Every person has the same indwelling Spirit as me. I remind myself of these truths when I don’t understand others’ behavior or feel tempted to judge it. Compassion becomes easier when I recognize each person is finding their own way to wholeness. Compassion is love in action. I extend heartfelt and tender understanding to others no matter their station or circumstance. I recognize the universal truth that everyone, including me, will make mistakes along our spiritual journeys. I share in this growth process as a member of the human family. I look through the gentle eyes of love at all that has brought me to this place in life. My heart is open, radiating compassion for myself and others. 

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.—Matthew 22:39

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