Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Let Go Let God Envision Healing

I Am Continually Healing. I Am Whole In Mind And Body.

Divine life flows throughout my body like a healing stream. I step into the healing current of life that courses through me. In the stillness of prayer, I commune with the spirit of life that is always flowing. I give thanks for this healing energy that infuses my every cell with life and strength. Every part of my body and mind is composed of divine life and intelligence. I relax in this truth and let my body do its healing work. I keep my thoughts positive and speak affirmations of faith and wholeness, knowing my body and mind respond to each thought and prayer. As I pray, I include others in need of healing. I envision healing life flowing through them, invigorating and sustaining them. With gratitude, I affirm healing activity and the unchanging truth of wholeness. 

Your faith has made you well.—Matthew 9:22

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