Divine Orders Shop

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Let Go Let God With Courage

Calling Upon The Indwelling Presence Of God, I Am Courageous.

Sometimes the world feels like a scary place, and I may feel ill-equipped to take my place in it. At those moments, I remind myself I have more than enough courage to thrive, no matter the state of the world. I call upon the strength and power of God and claim those divine attributes as my own. I need not look outside myself for fortitude because I already have everything I could ever need as a child of God. As I meet life from this place of power, I place the conditions of the world in their proper perspective. I draw my courage from spiritual awareness made stronger through prayer and the use of affirmations. I repeat, I am strong. I am courageous. These words flourish in my mind and become the truth of my life. 

Each one helps the other, saying to one another, “Take courage!”—Isaiah 41:6

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