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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Let Go Let God Embrace Comfort

I Am Comforted By The Embrace Of Divine Love.

When someone dear to me transitions, I may feel fearful and alone. I do not hide from my feelings or seek to numb them even if I feel tempted. Grief has come to pass, but it cannot pass until I acknowledge and feel it. Opening to all my heart is holding, I feel a presence far stronger than pain. Even in deepest grief, divine love is strong within me, lifting me, making my feelings bearable. As I feel comforted by this love, I become increasingly aware of the peace and strength in my heart. Even in my grief, I am grateful to trust the healing comfort of divine love. It blesses me today and will be an ongoing presence as I need it. My love for those I lost is eternal and unchanging, just like God’s love for me. 

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.—Matthew 5:4

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