Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
Following Divine Orders Shop on Etsy - Doing God's Work

Monday, May 6, 2024

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

I Am One With The Unwavering Order Of God.

Divine order surrounds me. In the world, I find it in the changing of the seasons, the ebb and flow of the ocean tides, the cyclic phases of the moon, and in the intricate orbits of the planets. In my life, I recall my orderly growth that led me from infancy to adulthood. Along the way, I have grown in knowledge and understanding, each new insight building upon the ones that came before. I remember this as I continue to learn and grow. I create my life in accordance with divine order, first conceiving an idea, then letting it grow in my consciousness through the power of my thinking, and then doing what I can in the world to help my idea manifest. I relax, trusting my life and all life is in perfect order. 

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.—Proverbs 16:3

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