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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Let Go Let God Rest

I Honor My Need To Recharge And Reset.

If I feel exhausted, every task I undertake will feel like a losing battle and will likely take twice as long to accomplish. When I feel this way, I might need to pause for a stretch, go for a stroll to have a breath of fresh air, or spend a few minutes in meditation. If my need is deeper, I might seek the company of a good friend or look into taking a vacation. Rest is an important part of self-care. After all, it’s not possible to pour from an empty cup. Enjoying relaxing, restorative practices replenishes my love, compassion, and creativity. I find precious balance when I take time to rest. I stay active and engaged and then slow down when I need to. As I honor my rhythms, I more easily live in the flow of life. 

Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even in plowing time and in harvest time you shall rest.—Exodus 34:21

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