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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Let Go Let God Be I Am

I Am A Living Expression Of God.

In the Book of Exodus, Moses asks God his name. God responds, “I AM who I AM.” I AM is the name of the divine presence within me, a reminder of my spiritual nature. Sometimes I may forget my divine identity by thinking of myself as weak, incapable, or unfortunate. If I have spoken disempowering words about myself, I release those thoughts and stop using those words. Each time I say I AM, I strengthen my awareness of the truth of my being. I am God’s life, love, wisdom, and strength expressing uniquely as me. As I pay attention to my thoughts and words, I am able to recognize and release limiting thoughts more quickly. My awareness of my true identity grows stronger and stronger. 

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”—Matthew 16:15

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