Divine Orders Shop

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Let Go Let God Affirm Grace

I Am In The Presence Of God's Grace.

Grace is a constant blessing, an invisible friend beside me, guiding my steps toward my highest good. When I have lost my way or am feeling troubled, God’s grace within me brings me back to the enduring power of divine love. This is perhaps grace’s greatest gift, the reminder that things of the world will come and go, the transient rhythms of life will rise and fall, but the presence and power of God will endure, unchanging and unchangeable. I find peace when I align my thoughts with God’s presence with and within me. I place my attention on the positive and trust divine grace. With a grateful heart, I affirm all things are working for my good. I am at peace knowing I have the blessing of God’s grace. 

The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.—Psalm 145:8

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