Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Divine

Each Of The World's People Is A Divine Being.

As I have grown in awareness of my divine nature, my relationship with God has deepened and evolved. The gifts of God—grace, love, peace, strength—are not for me to ask for. They are within me, mine to express as only I can. My understanding of the nature of God has also grown to include my human family, each member a spiritual being expressing their many divine gifts as only they can. Knowing this changes my relationship to others. Rather than focusing on our differences, I can now look beyond them to behold our oneness, our kindred souls as divine beings. As awareness of our shared divinity dawns in every heart, the world will grow in harmony and cooperation. We are in God. We are divine. 

You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid.—Matthew 5:14

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