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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Cheerful

Secure In My Divinity, I Am Full Of Good Cheer.

It’s easy to feel light and optimistic when the circumstances of my life are the way I want them to be. When my relationships are harmonious and I feel healthy and prosperous, I feel I am in the flow of life and everything is right in the world. When life feels harder and I struggle, I remember I am a divine being abundantly blessed with spiritual gifts. This helps me keep my troubles in perspective. I meet challenges with the calm assurance that the presence of God is within and all around me. Knowing God is greater than anything in the world gives me a peaceful mind and a cheerful heart. I feel secure and joyous every time I remember God and I are one. 

O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take refuge in him.—Psalm 34:8

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