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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Let Go Let God Renew Energy

The Energy Of Divine Life Is My Ever-Renewing Source.

Enjoying the light and warmth on my face and admiring the new growth in a garden, I marvel at the energy of sunlight. Crops grow, animals thrive, and electricity is generated for homes and cities through the sun’s power. Even when the sun’s light is obscured, its energy is still at work. Much more powerful than the sun is divine energy, the source of all life and strength. Even when I’m unaware of it, this divine energy maintains my body and empowers the flow of my thoughts. When I find my human energy fading, I center my awareness on the divine presence within me. As I do, I feel renewed vitality and strength, increased clarity of thought, and a fresh surge of enthusiasm for living. 

The God who has girded me with strength has opened wide my path.—2 Samuel 22:33

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