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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Let Go Let God Practice Faith

I Practice Faith And Find Peace Within.

Faith is the key that opens a gate to a serene and beautiful garden in my soul. When I practice faith, I enter this place of peace within. In the tranquility of my trust in the Universe, I am free from my troubles and worries. Over the years, I may have conditioned myself to consider what could go wrong. But I can challenge myself to think about what could go right. When I place my confidence in God’s love, I allow myself to consider positive and pleasant outcomes. With commitment to spiritual truth, I invite myself to open to and embody calmness, strength, and safety. My desire to live from my divinity reassures me. In feeling and acting from faith, I move through life with grace thanks to my refuge of peace within. 

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3

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