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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Let Go Let God Discover Inner Peace

I Discover Peace And Harmony Within.

As a spiritual being, I can claim serenity within me by silently saying, Peace, be still. At any time, I can relax in the calming current of life energy that flows throughout my body. Going deeper, I use the rhythm of my breath to center myself in peace. As I listen quietly, I am drawn more deeply into this stillness. Everything falls away as I immerse myself in the awareness of pure being. One by one, I let go of my troubles and concerns. As I find security in this peaceful moment, I feel the power and potency of my divine gifts. There is nothing to fear or dread because I am one with the presence of God. No matter what is happening around me, I find peace in the presence and power of God. I trust infinite blessings are mine. 

In quietness and in trust shall be your strength.—Isaiah 30:15

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