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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Let Go Let God Accept Grace

The Depths Of Life Lead Me To The Heights Of Grace.

It’s natural to be eager to move through difficult or unwelcome situations as quickly as possible. But if I bring my full presence and mindful attention to these circumstances, I have a unique opportunity to deepen in the awareness of God’s grace. Uncomfortable experiences might lead me to seek and accept help from others, where before I was tempted to go it alone. I may find myself blessed by fortunate coincidences, a surprise blessing, or a seeming lucky break. God’s grace is in the serendipity, kindnesses, and harmonious resolutions that come my way from all kinds of sources. It is the reminder that even if I feel alone, I can never be apart from my divine source that blesses me, often in ways I could not predict. 

May grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.—2 Peter 1:2

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