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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Eternally Free

I Am Grateful To Be Free In God.

If I have struggled for release from oppressive circumstances, if I have wished for relief from burdens or freedom from limitations, it’s likely I have felt frustrated and disappointed. It’s when I realize and claim my spiritual freedom that I loosen the tight grip of my worldly situations. In God, I am free. At the level of Spirit, nothing binds me. As a divine being, I am in the world but not of it. As I carry these awarenesses with me, I feel newly serene. I choose to meet life from my spiritual center, empowering myself with affirmative thoughts and a positive attitude. This is the key to my freedom, and no one and nothing can take it from me. My worldly situations may not have changed, but I have. From this place of empowerment, I am eternally free.

I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts.—Psalm 119:45

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