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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Let Go Let God With Ease

I Give My Concerns Over To God and Find Ease.

When I feel ill at ease, my body may become tense, my mind anxious, and I may feel a deep ache in my soul. These feelings nudge me to go within and touch the peace and presence of God in prayer and contemplation. As I shift my attention away from the concerns of my outer, waking life and bring my focus to my inner life, my mind settles and my heart opens. Finding and following my heart’s wisdom is the key to living a life of ease and grace. Love guides my way, leading me to greater harmony, deeper peace, and meeting life’s circumstances with gentleness and equilibrium. My heart’s wisdom and love guide me to situations that match my soul’s energetic vibration. As I feel ease within, I find ease in the world.

I want you to be free from anxieties.—1 Corinthians 7:32

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