Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Friday, July 26, 2024

Let Go Let God Receive Protection

I Open My Heart And Receive God's Protection.

I may have been taught from an early age to be strong in the face of hardship, to push bravely through my struggles, and to never let my hurt or my pain show. But when I did this, I ended up feeling alone, without support and solace. I can find the protection of God in my willingness to be vulnerable, to let others in, and to ask for the help I need. There is great courage in seeking the protection of the Divine in the kindness and strength of others. Even if I lack a community of support, I can lean upon the presence and power of God that is always with me. In prayer, I feel my oneness with Spirit and pour out my concerns and fears, feeling safe at last in the heart of God.

In you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, until the destroying storms pass by.—Psalm 57:1

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