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Monday, August 26, 2024

Let Go Let God Feel Comfort

The Spirit Of God Within Me Is My Comfort.

Feeling connected to God soothes my heart, heals my soul, and guides my way. This connection gives me the warm feeling of belonging to something greater than myself, greater than anything I may be going through, even greater than the world itself. I take moments of discomfort as cues to find a deeper source of well-being by shifting my attention to the presence of God within and all around me. With God, I can face my more difficult feelings with calm and self-compassion. No matter what happens to me or my dear ones, I am supported and sustained by the indwelling spirit of God. I heal my heart through the awareness of divine wisdom and grace. Keeping myself centered in God, I feel the assurance and comfort of divine love. 

This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life.—Psalm 119:50

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