Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Let Go Let God Eagerly

I Eagerly Give Myself To Life.

Eagerness helps give my life meaning. It is the feeling of positive anticipation, purpose, and confidence. I bring my eagerness to all aspects of my life, showing up with a desire to share my talents and energy.  The more energy and enthusiasm I share, the more I have to share because they are part of my divine inheritance, ever-renewing gifts of God. I feel my oneness with Spirit as I pray and as I live. My energy has its roots in the wondrous presence and power of God, which I express as only I can. When I live aligned with my spiritual source, my energy does not ebb. I am naturally eager to live a life of curiosity and zeal. I get everything I can from life and I give even more to it.

A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.—Proverbs 17:22

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