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Friday, August 9, 2024

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

Enfolding Others In Prayer, I Ease Their Troubles And My Own.

Prayer is such a wonderful way to remain mindful of my connection with God. It keeps me grounded in spiritual truth and rooted in the knowledge my problems and challenges are temporary and no match for the awesome goodness of God. I may be tempted to think worrisome thoughts when I learn of others’ challenges, bringing myself down and feeling discouraged if I am unable to help. When I pray for them, however, I am sharing the gift of spiritual truth and life-affirming energy. Not only does my prayer uplift those for whom I pray, it uplifts me too. As I pray, I am affirming God’s presence within all situations, freeing myself from worry. Prayer is my way of sharing the love of God.

I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit.—Ephesians 3:16

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