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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Let Go Let God Share Kindness

Divine Love Flows Through Me As Acts Of Kindness.

Looking back over the years, I remember kindnesses I received, some from friends and family members and others from acquaintances or even from strangers. These gifts of others’ time and attention blessed me and helped me feel valued. That is the true gift of kindness. Specific acts of service or generosity may fade from memory, but the impulse to love and care and the feeling it generates has its roots in kindness. I keep this in mind when I extend kindness to others. I give, share, and love generously without thought of getting anything in return. The love of God flows through me, touching others as acts of kindness. Through me, I pray they will know their worth and value as divine beings.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another.—Zechariah 7:9

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