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Friday, August 30, 2024

Let Go Let God Open To Healing

The Divine Truth Of Wholeness Shines Through Me, Casting Out Illness.

I marvel at my body’s ability to return to health after periods of illness. Feelings of ill health have no lasting power over me because wholeness is the truth of my life. When I focus my attention on wholeness, thoughts of peace, love, and unity establish harmony throughout my body and mind. As words of spiritual truth fill my consciousness, I think less and less about what is troubling my body or mind. As I align more completely with my divine nature, the more easily I will realize wholeness. It is similar to a light casting out shadows of disease and disorder, allowing greater health to flow through me. When I know my oneness with God in mind, body, and soul, I open myself to healing.

The Lord sustains them on their sickbed; in their illness you heal all their infirmities.—Psalm 41:3

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