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Thursday, August 8, 2024

Let Go Let God Live Positively

Living A Spiritual Life Keeps Me Positive.

Of all the choices I make in life, one of the most important is my attitude. If I identify with the human condition and the state of the world, I may grow pessimistic and dour. But if I identify with God and the life of the spiritual, I will feel more positive and optimistic. Positivity is the blessing of living a God-centered life. It means I am at peace, expecting the best and not the worst. It means I am rooted in truth and unlikely to be swayed by temporary setbacks or disappointments. It means I find blessings, even when things seem to go wrong. I am grateful for opportunities to share my positivity, to bless others through kind and considerate acts that they may know the love and serenity of the Divine as I do.

The righteous walk in integrity—happy are the children who follow them!—Proverbs 20:7

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