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Monday, August 12, 2024

Let Go Let God Feel Joy

Living In Joy Keeps Me Rooted In God.

Even during the most trying times, I need never forgo the feeling of deep joy when I remain centered in God. Joy is not a mood, and it is so much more than a feeling. It is one of my spiritual gifts, an aspect of my divine inheritance. I can meet life’s difficulties with joy and serenity. I draw upon my indwelling joy in the same way I would draw water from a well. Even though I might not find water on the surface, I trust if I reach for it, I will find it beneath the surface. The same thing is true of joy. Even though there may not appear to be things for which to feel joy, I can find them if I look. I trust joy is in the love beyond the pain, the health beyond the illness, and the forgiveness beyond the hurt. In joy, I find God anew.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.—Philippians 4:4

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