Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Let Go Let God Share Inner Peace

The Peace Of God Is Mine To Live And Mine To Share.

Peace flourishes in my awareness of the divine presence within. Flowing from my spiritual center, peace calms my emotions, clarifies my thoughts, relaxes my body, and radiates to everyone around me. If peace eludes me, I open myself to anything that may be blocking its flow and invite it to come forward for healing. If I am holding on to resentment or unforgiveness, I pray for the willingness to forgive, affirming: Divine love, through me, forgives and releases all bitterness. If fear and worry seep into my thoughts, I remember God is the only presence and power active in the universe, affirming: Faith dissolves fear and restores peace. I align my thoughts and feelings with God’s indwelling presence to live ever more peacefully.

Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.—Romans 14:19

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