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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Let Go Let God On The Journey

I Deepen In Faith On My Spiritual Journey.

Throughout my life I have grown. Physically, I have grown from a baby to a child to an adult. Along the way, I have grown intellectually, and as I’ve matured, I have grown emotionally. All of these developments have turned me into the person I am today. Even as I’ve grown in ways I could see and feel, I have also been growing spiritually. This growth may have been imperceptible, but looking back, I can recall deepening in awareness of God as the source of my faith, the truth of my wholeness, and the wellspring of my love. As I have shared these divine gifts and so many more, I have come to know and love God deeply. This deepening in faith has guided me onward along my soul’s journey of awakening. 

Speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.—Ephesians 4:15

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Let Go, Let God

Letting Go And Letting God Gives Me Peace.

Trying to do everything myself can be exhausting, but relying solely on God can feel as though I’m not doing enough to help myself. I find the perfect balance of activity and surrender when I let go and let God. In this place of cooperation, my human and divine natures are in harmony. I take constructive action and do what is mine to do in the world. When I feel complete with my worldly efforts, I let go. I cease activity and also release my thoughts and concerns about whether my efforts were enough. The Divine in me is my strength and support. I trust my guidance to deliver me on the right path and direct my steps. I let go, trusting the best outcome is on its way. 

Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.—Psalm 143:8

Monday, May 29, 2023

Let Go Let God Remember

I Honor The Sacrifice Of Those Who Served.

Although they have passed from earthly life, the men and women who gave their lives in service to their countries humble me and fill me with thoughts of honor and gratitude. My memorial observance may involve taking time in prayer to bless and remember them. Perhaps the most important way I can express my appreciation for their sacrifice is to renew my own commitment to creating a world where all people can live in peace. In my thoughts and through my words and actions, I hold to the truth that all people are living expressions of God. I am not discouraged if I don’t see immediate evidence of my conviction. The memory of those I honor today strengthens me and gives me hope for the future. 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses … let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.—Hebrews 12:1 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Let Go Let God Comfort

Loving Memories Comfort Me. 

There may be days or maybe even weeks on the calendar when I find myself mysteriously feeling melancholy or blue, only to realize the anniversary of someone or something I have loved and lost is approaching. Even when I don’t realize it outright, a part of me remembers and responds. I can honor these feelings as a way to honor the people and places that have taught me and helped me evolve. Welcoming my feelings brings deep and abiding comfort. I carry those people and places I love with me in the things I do, keeping their spirit alive. Gradually, I find smiles within the sadness. Revisiting treasured memories reveals the love within the loss. The presence of God is found within the gift of each moment, and I find comfort through my grateful heart. 

Let your steadfast love become my comfort according to your promise to your servant.—Psalm 119:76

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Let Go Let God Live In Joy

Joy Lives In My Heart And Colors My Life.

My fleeting emotions may be dependent on circumstances, but I am also a spiritual being and have joy as my divine birthright. My joy does not depend on earthly happiness. Regardless of outer conditions, I can find deep contentment within. My spiritual practices keep my mind and heart rooted in God. They cultivate joy in my heart the way a tree bears fruit. Jubilation feeds and strengthens me, providing nourishment for me to grow. I celebrate and enjoy my worldly blessings but do not rely on them. During times of ease and bliss and even during times of challenge or sorrow, a deep gladness exists in me. I rejoice even during the most trying times because I am filled with the joy of God. 

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.—Philippians 4:4

Friday, May 26, 2023

Let Go Let God With Wisdom

My Wise Heart Knows What To Do.

Spiritual wisdom is part of me. In difficult circumstances, I align with the wisdom of God and discover the guidance I seek. As I become open and receptive to my wise heart, my intuitive awareness gives me the sure knowledge that everything is coming together in the best way for everyone concerned. Whether I am facing an important or a minor decision, I am attuned to the guiding presence of God within. I know what direction to take and how to see things through. I can trust the discerning awareness that reveals my perfect path, and I follow that way to the most beneficial possible outcomes. I am grateful to be blessed with the wisdom of God. I use good judgment. My path is clear, and my guidance is sure. 

For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.—Proverbs 2:10

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

In The Spirit Of Service, I Share My Prayer. 

Prayer is a consciousness I bring to every breath. It is my comfort, my peace, my guiding light, and my touchstone. It creates a solid foundation to build and informs my every decision. Each day begins with a prayer of gratitude and an affirmation of divine order and ends with appreciation for the day’s blessings. Along the way, grace is my companion. With each hello, I send blessings, and with every parting, prayers for safety, love, and prosperity. When asked to pray, I pause to center myself in the awareness of God and see those for whom I pray enfolded in support and healing energy. Remembering we live, move, and have our being inside God, I visualize divine energy active within every need. In gratitude, I claim the best and highest outcomes. 

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.—Colossians 4:2

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Let Go Let God Seek

As I Seek, I Trust I Will Find.

It’s natural to want to have answers to questions and solutions to problems. It can feel frustrating to have to sit with an unresolved situation, waiting for insight and understanding. Yet, the spiritual quest that calls me to seek also calls me to make peace with uncertainty. Seeking answers, insight, and greater self-knowledge all open me to a fuller experience of myself and of God. Patience and trust are my guides through the process. Each question is a gift, a way to let the light of truth stream into my consciousness the way sunlight streams into a dark room. Even if I find myself in darkness, I trust with positive expectancy that as I seek, I will find myself and God anew. 

Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.—Matthew 7:7

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Let Go Of Anger And Return To Joy.

Whenever I find I am harboring feelings of resentment or am stuck in destructive thought patterns, I make the effort to come to peace with what I’m struggling to forgive. I release my grip on my past hurts, and my healing begins. As I let go, I feel lighter as the chains of unforgiveness that had bound me and weighed me down begin to fall away. Joy awaits me at the end of my forgiveness journey. It is my birthright to live light, free, and unencumbered by negativity and pain. In this way, forgiveness is the ultimate self-care practice. It is the kindest gift I can give myself—to lay the burden of resentment down and set myself free. 

Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.—Colossians 3:13

Monday, May 22, 2023

Let Go Let God Receive Prosperity

I Have Everything I Need To Make My Dreams Come True.

I may hesitate to pursue a dream, even one that’s close to my heart, for fear I will not have the resources I need to see my goal through to completion. At these moments, I remind myself I live in an abundant world and am fully deserving of everything in it. This realization makes even my boldest ambition seem feasible. When I couple my dream with the determination to make it happen, I attract powerful streams of prosperity. My passion and commitment are the key. When I commit, avenues of prosperity and opportunity open to me. I trust I will receive the inspiration and ideas to move myself forward. As the doors of opportunity open, I walk through and claim my prosperity. 

And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:19

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Let Go Let God Feel Protection

As I Practice The Presence Of God, I Feel Secure.

There is only one power and one presence in the universe and in my life. God—omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence—is not only all around me. God is within me. As I take this truth into my heart, I feel calm and secure. The circumstances of the world have no lasting power over me. God is greater and more enduring than anything I may be called to face. I have within me the power to feel God’s protecting presence at any time. As I pray, I affirm the strength and power of God are mine to call upon. I can use these divine powers to move beyond that which may scare or intimidate me. In renewed faith and deep security, I move bravely forward.

The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.—1 John 4:4 

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Let Go Let God Experience Healing

Through The Power Of God, I Experience Healing Of My Mind And Body.

I may experience pain and difficulties, and sometimes the load feels heavier than I can bear. At these moments of despair, I trust God. There is no difficulty or disease I cannot transcend through faith in divine healing. Faith in God’s healing power washes away my fear. Whether the challenge arises from grief over loss, during periods of ill health, or struggles to meet my daily needs in a world rife with turmoil, I release my troubles in faith. I trust the indwelling power of God to refresh and heal my mind, body, and affairs. I am never alone. The healing power of God is mine to call upon whenever I need. As I claim my healing, I realize the truth of me is perfect wholeness. This is the truth of my life, today and every day. 

It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body.—Proverbs 3:8

Friday, May 19, 2023

Let Go Let God Trust Divine Order

I Trust The Truth Of Divine Order.

When I feel as though I am lacking direction, when it’s hard to know what to do first, what to prioritize and what to let slip away, I step back and affirm divine order is the truth of my life. By affirming all life is in order, I understand I don’t have to create order. I need only align myself with it. I begin by realizing that even the most daunting endeavors have a starting point. Recalling the adage, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” I remember I need only take the first step to get started. I trust the other steps will follow. I will take each one in turn, trusting the Divine within to guide me along my path. Affirming divine order, I welcome ease and grace with each step. 

Keep my steps steady according to your promise, and never let iniquity have dominion over me.—Psalm 119:133

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

Divine Guidance Is Always Mine.

Whatever roads I travel in life, the guidance of Spirit is with me as part of my divine identity. I do not need to search outside myself for it. I need only turn within to find all the guidance I need. Maybe I have an important decision to make. I have asked for advice from my friends and family, but the answer still seems unclear. My mind keeps me awake at night with so many thoughts. Then I remember guidance has been available to me all along. As I listen more acutely for my guidance, I let go of trying to find the answer through human channels and turn my attention to the voice of Spirit. I trust I am moving in the direction of my highest good and have everything I need inside me to get there. 

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.—John 16:13

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Let Go Let God Share World Peace

I Share My Peace With The World.

Each day I have a choice to contribute to the discord and disturbance that have become so common in daily life or to contribute to the peace and harmony I wish to see. Although it’s an easy choice, it can also be a challenging one. As much as I wish to live in a peaceful world, it can be hard to rise above the irritations and aggravations that can be part of anyone’s life. I remember the power to choose peace lies within each of us. After all, if we created the world we’re living in, it’s within our collective power to create a better, more harmonious one. Today I vow to do my part to bring peace into the world. I offer grace and forgiveness easily. I let small things go. I am quick to smile and slow to frown. Peace in the world begins with me. 

If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.—Romans 12:18

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Let Go Let God With Momentum

My Momentum Propels Me Forward.

Getting started can be the most fun, exciting part of a new endeavor. Gathering materials, receiving well-wishes and support of friends and family, and imagining my eventual success may feel like a rocket booster, propelling me far along my journey. Over time, the initial excitement may fade and I may begin to lose my enthusiasm. I regain my momentum by renewing my purpose and rekindling the impulse that led me to get started. Pursuing my deepest desires and highest aspirations leads me to spiritual fulfillment. The dreams of my heart draw me closer to God. The greater my momentum with which I pursue them, the richer my experience of the Divine within will be. 

I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit.—Ephesians 3:16 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Let Go Let God Surrender

Spiritual Surrender Empowers Me.

At those times I feel my life has bottomed out and I have nothing else to try and no one left to whom I can turn, I may believe I have no choice but to give up. When this happens, my thoughts turn to God and spiritual surrender. Today I think about surrender in a new way and choose it from a place of empowerment. Surrendering means putting God first. It is my way of affirming I am foremost a spiritual being coping with worldly experiences. It is my first choice, not my last resort. I am not at the mercy of the changing winds and shifting fortunes of the world. I am a divine being, endowed with the attributes of God and rich with divine ideas. I surrender myself to this truth and feel newly blessed. 

Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.—Matthew 6:10

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Let Go Let God Bless Mothers

I Bless All Mothers With Thoughts of Gratitude.

There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love, so nurturing, caring, and warm. Today I bless the women in my life who express this love in all they do. Whether it’s the woman who raised me or any of the other women I know who so generously shared a mother’s love, I have felt the care of God through their tender touch and encouraging words. Over the years, I have grown strong and confident under their kind direction and have relied upon their wisdom. The divine feminine flourishes on earth in the loving words and caring hands of mothers and all those who share a mother’s love. I bless them and pray they know the love of God as they have shared it so generously with me. 

Then the mother of the child said, “As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave without you.”—2 Kings 4:30

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Let Go Let God Remember

I Remember The Truth Of My Being.

In the busyness of daily life, I stop to remember the important things—family, friends, my spiritual life, and my place in the world. Life is eternal, and I am evolving in an infinite universe. Although life’s changes may bring ups and downs, the love of God is constant. I remember that whatever is happening has come to pass. A new possibility of peace dawns in my mind. As I place my attention on the presence of God within, I move through all conditions in harmony and with unconditional love. There is no time but the precious present. I remember that the present moment is an opportunity to release the past and move freely into the future. Now is the time to give myself in service and love others. I embrace the joy that exists right now. 

To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.—Romans 8:6

Friday, May 12, 2023

Let Go Let God By Grace

The Grace Of God Soothes My Heart.

I give thanks for the comfort of grace. When I find myself in a difficult spot, I feel the enveloping love of God flowing into my heart. I feel soothed as I center myself in the healing presence of divine love. As I lift up my consciousness in the grace of God, I draw forth the best outcomes for my soul. With renewed clarity, I feel my way is assured and my path is clear. I trust God’s grace. This connection is already part of me, so there is no striving or effort as I surrender to it. I am supported and comforted as I rest in the heart of God. I feel a reassuring sense of well-being and contentment. In the awareness of perfect wholeness, I feel this loving energy guiding me into new opportunities that fulfill the desires of my heart. 

Then the father said to him, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.”—Luke 15:31

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Determined

With The Strength And Power Of God, I Am Unstoppable.

Discouragement visits all people from time to time. When I feel discouraged, I do not give up, even if I feel tempted to throw in the towel. Instead, I recognize the feeling as an invitation to strengthen my resolve. I grow in confidence and determination as I draw upon my divine gifts of strength and power. Realizing I have more to rely upon than my human abilities alone gives me the boost I need to keep going, to believe in myself, and to trust that God is with me. I think empowering thoughts and speak words of affirmation, telling myself I am capable of achieving whatever I set out to do. The power of God surges through me, enlivening my mind with creative ideas and my body with boundless energy. I am bold, blessed, and determined. 

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.—2 Timothy 4:7

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Let Go Let God Gently

I Am Gentle And Kind.

I am a gentle presence. Whether with people, animals, or the earth, I have a tender touch that says everything and everyone is worthy of God’s love. I speak and act in ways that express this truth. There may be times when I feel the temptation to be a little rough or harsh in my interactions. I take those reactions as a cue to breathe deeply to calm myself. Letting go of anger and irritation, I am once again able to respond with gentle kindness. I soften and feel the peace that comes from connecting with my spiritual self. My words express my caring and compassion. As I share this softness with the world, I spread divine love wherever I go. Through my gentleness, may others know the grace of God. 

Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.—James 3:13

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Let Go Let God Serve

Being Of Service To Others Draws Me Closer To God.

Serving others is a powerful spiritual practice. When I serve, I share the love and care of God and my experience of the oneness of the human family grows. Even the smallest acts of service cast a pebble of love into the pool of our shared life, and the ripples spread to shores unseen by me. Perhaps a helping hand extended toward someone harried by daily events will kindle their kind acts toward others. Perhaps lending my talents to a cause I care about will fill my heart and give me a sense of purpose, while bettering the world for everyone. Holding others in my prayerful thoughts sends positive energy flowing their way. No matter how I serve, God is in the love, care, and compassion I offer today. 

Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.—1 Peter 4:10

Monday, May 8, 2023

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I Have Unshakable Faith In God's Goodness.

Whenever I’m out of my comfort zone, I call upon my faith to move forward courageously and confidently. With faith I move boldly toward realizing my dreams. I put God first in all my affairs. I begin my day in prayer, affirming my oneness with God and trusting that divine order is at work in my life. I see each experience as an opportunity for growing in awareness of my divine identity. Faith helps me believe God is greater than any circumstance. I give no power to appearances, and fear, doubt, and worry dissolve. I have absolute faith in God’s healing power at work in my life. When challenges arise, I focus my awareness on the guiding light of the Christ within. In faith, I trust I am being guided to my highest good. 

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.—Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Let Go Let God Fly Free

I Am  One With The Freeing, Guiding Force Of God.

When I think of freedom, I imagine a bird in flight, soaring above the earth. As the bird glides, it seems to effortlessly move through the air. Then it flaps its wings, moving upward and forward, against the force of gravity. Likewise, I open my mind and heart and feel the freeing force of God within. This force is powerful and peaceful, and I give myself over to it. As I do, I overcome stifling feelings of stress or doubt. I trust in God, and I move forward and upward with renewed purpose and confidence. Just as a bird overcomes gravity to fly with purpose, I overcome the challenges and circumstances of my life to find my purpose and live from my divine nature. I am free. 

So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”—Hebrews 13:6

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Let Go Let God Nurture

I Bless Those Who Nurture Others.

Today I bless and honor all who give compassionately of themselves. May their care and service return to them in even greater measure. I see them nurtured, loved, and deeply appreciated as I pray for their continued well-being. As I appreciate those who care for others, I feel inspired to compassionate action myself. I look for ways I can help lighten someone’s load, help them feel seen, or even just bring a smile. Finally, I turn my nurturing attention inward. I treat myself with loving-kindness. I focus on affirming thoughts and open my heart to God’s love. Immersed in the presence of the Divine, I relax. When I nurture my soul, I am a radiant presence of good wherever I am. 

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.—Matthew 11:29

Friday, May 5, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Lighthearted

I Live Lightly And Welcome Ease And Grace.

I am lighthearted, taking life in stride. As I open myself to serendipity, I relax and trust I will find myself in the right place at the right time. I am blessed to know ease as I journey through life. Releasing thoughts of scarcity, I find myself in the flow of true abundance, rich in kindnesses, and blessed in so many ways. My light heart welcomes grace. Freed from the tendency to worry, I trust the divine presence within to help me feel the fullness of my happiness in my triumphant moments and have the help I need during my lower points. Trust in God’s goodness around me is the key to my lightheartedness. I give thanks from my grateful heart and know even greater blessings. 

Even those who live many years should rejoice in them all; yet let them remember that the days of darkness will be many. All that comes is vanity.—Ecclesiastes 11:8

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Let Go Let God In Prayer

In Prayer, I Immerse Myself In The Love, Light  And Wisdom Of God.

Prayer is a wonderful part of spiritual living, a precious opportunity to rest my mind and body, turn within, and feel the presence of God. I am in the flow of divine energy each time I immerse myself in prayer. In this place of blissful communion, I become an open vessel of the love, light, and wisdom of God. My prayer practice sets the tone for my day. I begin each morning with prayers of affirmation and energy that fuel me with zeal and creative energy. Before bed, I speak prayers of peace and gratitude that help me release the events of the day and drift off to peaceful sleep. At any time of day, however brief or long, my prayerful moments help me touch the presence of God. As I pray, I feel renewed, revitalized, and newly alive in God. 

Pray without ceasing.—1 Thessalonians 5:17

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Let Go Let God Provide Strength

Spiritual Strength Sustains Me.

Sometimes I doubt whether I have what it takes to do what is before me. At those times I feel a bit depleted, I remember the inexhaustible power of God is part of my divine identity and mine to call upon at any time. My strength can take many forms. In addition to physical strength, I have the mental and emotional strength to cope with life’s stress and challenges. Strength of character helps me to be honorable in my dealings with others. Spiritual strength is the bedrock that supports me and is the source of my endurance. Even during times I felt I had nothing left to give, no way to keep moving forward, the strength of God within me kept me going. By committing to live from the awareness of my divinity, I grow ever stronger. 

Honor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.—1 Chronicles 16:27

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Let Go Let God Live In Peace

Peace Lives In My Heart.

Sometimes situations in my life or the world rob me of my steadiness and calm. I might even feel frustrated if I’m not coping the way I want. Rather than let these feelings lead me on a downward spiral, I rediscover the peace that always lives in my heart. I begin by finding a quiet place where I can still my thoughts—even if only for a few moments. I breathe slowly and deeply, becoming aware of the beating of my heart. I let this rhythm of peace settle my mind. I let go of the urge to control life and place my faith in the all-pervading goodness of God. I release negative thoughts that pop up and replace them with thoughts of gratitude for the good things in my life. My positive feelings fill my mind and heart with peace. 

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.—2 Thessalonians 3:16

Monday, May 1, 2023

Let Go Let God Delight

I Delight In The Presence  Of God.

When the world seems chaotic and my life gets a bit frustrating, I feel my burdens ease when I turn within to commune with Spirit. Throughout my life, God, the one presence and power, is the anchor holding me securely in place and the wings allowing me to soar free and unfettered. When I align myself with this truth through prayer and my other favorite spiritual practices, the stresses of daily living ease. The more I practice the presence of God, the more readily I sense this presence all around me. From the glory of the sunrise to the tranquility of the sunset, I carry the awareness of God with me. I sense the Divine in the beauty that surrounds me and in the kindnesses that bless me. The world is bright as I delight in God. 

Then you will delight yourself in the Almighty, and lift up your face to God.—Job 22:26