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Monday, September 30, 2024

Let Go, Let God

I Let Go And Trust Divine Timing.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is wait. Modern life has conditioned me to expect things to happen quickly and to think I must always be doing something to keep moving in the direction of my dreams. But the process of manifestation involves so much more than my efforts and desire alone. I cannot force or rush divine timing. I trust the good that comes into my life arrives in the right way and at the right time. I remind myself of this when I begin to feel impatient or restless because I am not doing enough. Sometimes the only thing left to do is let go, let God, and wait. Patience comes easier when I trust the grace and goodness of God, active in the world and in my life always and forever. 

Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!—Psalm 27:14

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Comforted

I Am Comforted By The Divine Presence Within Me.

I am grateful for the people who have understood how to comfort me when I was feeling down. They listened when I needed to talk and blessed me with their kindness. Often they didn’t need to say a word or do anything more than be with me for a while. Their understanding presence was what I really needed. Even if I am without the comforting presence of another, I can find comfort in the divine presence within me. As I open my heart to God, I feel understood, loved, and accepted completely, just as I am. I need not feel self-conscious about needing comfort or how I express my feelings. I need only feel the unconditional love of God. As my trust in the divine presence grows, my sadness diminishes. Healing peace flows through my entire being as I am comforted.

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.—Isaiah 66:13

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Let Go Let God There Is Time Enough

I Have Time Enough To Do What Is Mine To Do. 

It’s natural to wonder how I’ll find time to do all that is before me, especially if I feel overburdened or pulled in too many directions. When this happens, I affirm: I have time enough. These simple yet powerful words remind me I am in control of how I focus my energy and how I use my time. Even if I cannot control what is happening around me, I can control what is happening within me. Through the power of God within, I use my spiritual gift of will to choose how to direct my attention and energy. I do one thing at a time, affirming I have time enough when I am tempted to try to multitask. Reclaiming my spiritual power, I relax and feel time expand. I do what is mine to do, affirming I have time enough as often as I need to.

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.—Psalm 90:12

Friday, September 27, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Lighthearted

My Heart Is Light And My Life Is Peaceful.

My experience of life depends on my attitude toward it. If my obligations and concerns are weighing heavily on me, I turn to the wisdom of my heart. Here, there is only peace and love. In prayer, I feel this love flow from my heart throughout my body and mind. Life-affirming, positive feelings are a balm for my mind and body, soothing and comforting me. When I return to the activity of my daily life, I feel lighthearted. My concerns now pass through my mind like clouds in the sky. Life feels full of possibility, and I feel full of hope. Meeting life with a light heart helps me keep my cares and worries in perspective. I return again and again to my heart’s wisdom and carry it into the world.

A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance.—Proverbs 15:13

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Forgive And Free Myself From The Weight of Resentment

Sometimes I forgive easily. Other times forgiving feels harder, especially if I am in pain. I may feel disappointed, thinking forgiving should be easy no matter the circumstances. I remind myself forgiving is a process, and it’s natural to struggle with it from time to time. My willingness to forgive is a good and necessary start. If I find myself ruminating over resentments or wondering whether someone who wronged me deserves my forgiveness, I remember forgiveness is not for them. It’s for me. Knowing this, I pray for the capacity to forgive. If a lack of forgiveness keeps me from the fullness of life, I turn to the Divine within me to discover peace beyond the struggle and love beyond the pain. Forgiveness is the way. 

Then hear in heaven your dwelling place, forgive, act, and render to all whose hearts you know.—1 Kings 8:39

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Let Go Let God with Ease

Living As A Divine Being I Am, I Know Ease.

Perhaps the best way to flow with the world’s changing circumstances is to rise above them. I am foremost a spiritual being. This means I have more creative power than I usually give myself credit for. It also helps me keep life’s shifting rhythms in perspective. Rather than becoming troubled by unwelcome developments, I turn within to the peace and perfection of God. In this space, I relax and feel completely at ease with myself, all others, and the state of my life. I bring my calm bearing to every area of life. Through my spiritual practices—prayer, meditation, visualization, affirmations—I live from my divinity and keep my connection with God at the forefront of my consciousness. This is how I live with ease and grace, no matter what. 

To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.—Romans 8:6

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Let Go Let God Feel Gratitude

I Feel The Presence Of God As I Express My Gratitude.

Gratitude may not always come naturally to me. Perhaps I have started the day feeling rushed and stressed or I may be juggling multiple obligations or have too many demands on my time. Pausing for a moment of gratitude shifts my outlook. I pause, breathe deeply, and simply affirm: I am grateful. As I do, I feel my heart open. I breathe a cleansing, renewing breath and exhale any troubling or anxious thoughts. My heartbeat slows, my mind settles, and my body relaxes. It takes only a moment, and the benefits are so worthwhile. With 24 hours in a day, I know it’s possible to take a few moments to focus on being thankful. As I do, I feel gratitude fill me in mind, heart, and soul. I affirm again and again: I am grateful.

I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart.—Psalm 138:1 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Let Go Let God Affirm Protection

The Protecting Presence Of God Is My Strength.

Unity cofounder Myrtle Fillmore wrote, “Whatever troubles may seem to arise...meet them with Truth. Nothing can stand before it.” I take her wise words to heart by repeating positive words of protection and safety, setting my thought energy into action. I affirm: I am centered in the protecting presence of God and repeat it until I feel safe and at peace. Keeping the presence and power of God at the forefront of my thinking helps me relax. Of course, I take steps to stay safe and be mindful of my surroundings. I also practice the presence of God, understanding the source of my enduring protection is not found in the world. I am a divine being, a child of God, and that is where my protection lies. 

Protect me, O God, for in you I take refuge.—Psalm 16:1

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Let Go Let God Express Healing

My Thoughts, Words, and Actions Affirm Wholeness.

Wholeness is my true nature. Even if I am facing a health challenge, divine life is active in every cell of my body. Knowing this truth, I hold healing thoughts and speak life-affirming words. While making sure to give my body the rest, nourishment, and care that will help it heal, I refuse to allow thoughts of sickness or weakness to grow in my consciousness. I seek support among friends and family who share my belief in wholeness. As I have been supported, I offer my support. I feel honored when I am asked for healing prayer. I look beyond the appearance of illness, and with faith-filled vision, I behold and affirm the wholeness that is seeking to express more completely in the lives of those for whom I pray.

When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be made well?”—John 5:6

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Let Go Let God Envision World Peace

I Join With Those Around The World Envisioning And Affirming Peace.

I recognize the value of every person on the planet and believe all people deserve to live in peace and harmony. As I honor the divinity of each person I encounter, I look beyond surface differences and backgrounds and grow in empathy and understanding. By maintaining a consciousness of peace, I become a part of the effort to bring it to the world. Through my commitment to spiritual growth and ethical living, I remain calm in troubling circumstances and meet discord with compassion. When I learn of conflict in the world, I bring the situation into my prayer time. I know that all people are expressions of God. I let this realization take root in my thoughts and affirm we are all one in a spirit of love and peace.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.—Matthew 5:9

Friday, September 20, 2024

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

With Gratitude, I Hold My Loved Ones In The Light Of God.

Gratitude is an important part of my life, and feeling grateful reminds me how the presence of God is always with and within those for whom I pray. Rather than worrying or feeling anxious about a difficult or uncertain situation, I focus on being grateful for what is right and good. Not only does this keep my mind off of what might be wrong, gratitude opens my heart and mind, making it easier to affirm the highest and best outcomes in prayer. I begin with a prayer of gratitude for the presence and power of God, for the inherent divinity of those for whom I pray, and for my faith that love, peace, wholeness, and prosperity are greater, truer, and more enduring than any appearances to the contrary. 

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.—Ephesians 1:16

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Let Go Let God Know Happiness

Moments Of Happiness Fill My Heart.

I find delight in the warmth and brightness of the sun. I take a moment to sit outside, close my eyes, and soak in the rays. Cloudy days and dark nights will come, but I remain in the present, fully enjoying the sunny moments. In the same way, I may not feel cheerful all the time, so I appreciate my happiness when I do. Understanding the fleeting nature of emotion, I stay present and mindful, which helps me enjoy it. I seek reasons for happiness daily and delight in them. Even little things feel big because of my attention and gratitude. Average things become lovely-the aroma, texture, and taste of a meal, or the vibrant colors and sounds of nature. The more I choose and find happiness, the more often I can enjoy the gift of feeling happy. 

Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure.—Psalm 16:9

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Let Go Let God Focus

I Focus On The Positive As I Seek To Improve My Life.

Life is consciousness. Understanding this, I am aware of the creative power of my thoughts. When I want to change my life for the better, I take steps in the world to improve my circumstances, but I also tend to my spiritual life by prioritizing my prayer practice and using affirmations to fill my consciousness with positive thoughts. I focus on what I want to create and leave the past behind. Through my faith, I believe what I imagine can come to pass. Focus is key. I keep my thoughts positive. I spend time and energy on pursuits that move me in the direction of my goals. I use my spiritual practices to remain hopeful, even in the face of setbacks. With positive expectancy, I focus on my good.

We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.—2 Corinthians 4:18

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Let Go Let God Heed To Guidance

Heeding Divine Guidance Helps Me Live A Spiritual Life.

When I feel pulled in too many directions, when my inner resources feel stretched to capacity, when I struggle to see my way forward from a trying situation, I turn within to listen to my guidance. Feeling divinely guided, perceiving spiritual life beyond this physical one, trusting that the presence and power of God is in and through all things, are my comfort and strength. My guidance is my anchor and my light. It is the voice I listen to and the knowledge I trust. Heeding my guidance helps me put my spiritual life ahead of my worldly concerns. When I do this, I am calm and poised, unperturbed by shifting circumstance and unsettling developments. I am divinely guided to my highest good.

The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong.—Isaiah 58:11

Monday, September 16, 2024

Let Go Let God Choose Freedom

I Feel Free When I Listen To The Guidance Of Spirit Within Me.

Every day, I make choices about how to respond to the world around me. Even if I face limitation in life, I am free to think and believe however I choose. My sense of independence grows when I concentrate on the things I can control-my thoughts and beliefs. True freedom means taking ownership of my life. Even if I do not like what my life is showing me, I am free to change my reaction. If I am faced with a limitation or restriction, I acknowledge it without focusing on it. I turn to God like a traveler searching the sky for the North Star. Spiritual practices guide me back to my innate wisdom and intuition, bolstering my feeling of freedom. I remember the strength within me is greater than what lies before me. I can navigate any situation with ease and grace.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.—Proverbs 3:6

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Blessed

All Things Work Together For Good In My Life. I Am Blessed.

If someone asks me how I’m feeling, I may smile and simply respond, “I am blessed.” I may have bills to pay, maybe a few aches and pains, but I remain aware I am an expression of God. I know wherever I am, whatever I am doing, God can never be further away than my next thought.  While I may not believe challenging events are blessings, I will likely feel blessed when I respond from an awareness of God’s guiding, loving presence within me. Rather than reacting anxiously, I proceed calmly and with confidence, trusting divine order. Knowing I am blessed, I radiate faith that I pray helps others recognize the blessings in their own lives. 

The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.—Numbers 6:24-26

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Let Go Let God Give Thanks For Adventure

My Desire For Adventure Is Divinely Inspired.

The world is a wide and wondrous place. There is so much to discover and explore, and I welcome new experiences with an attitude of adventure. If that feels difficult, if boldness does not come naturally to me, I remind myself that God is with and within me, and my call to adventure is divinely inspired. I give myself permission to start small, maybe by taking a short trip or embarking on a course of learning to master a new skill. With each new adventure, my life gets a little bigger and I grow in confidence. My life is what I make of it. In faith and with trust in God, I leave my comfort zone behind. I give thanks for the adventures that await me.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.—Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, September 13, 2024

Let Go Let God Have Faith

My Understanding Faith Anchors Me In Spiritual Truth.

Over the years, my understanding of faith has deepened and evolved. When I first embarked upon my spiritual path, I may have practiced blind faith, entrusting my life and my dreams to God outside myself. As I have grown spiritually, I have come to understand God is within and all around me, the one presence and power active in the Universe and as my life. God is not a power outside myself to whom I must appeal, but is instead the power within me that I use to direct my life. Understanding faith is rooted in spiritual truth and the orderly manifestation of divine ideas claimed in prayer. I am grateful for my faith and the power of God. 

Truly I tell you, if you say to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea," and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.—Mark 11:23

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Let Go Let God On This World Day Of Prayer

In Prayer, I Claim My Spiritual power.

When situations and circumstances weigh heavy on me, I pray to remind myself the problems of the world are no match for the presence and power of God. Prayer helps me keep life in perspective. The things of the world will come and go, just as my fortunes will rise and fall. Prayer may not keep me from life’s inevitable low points, but it can help me rise above them. As I pray, I claim divine ideas and trust they will flourish in my consciousness. When I affirm peace, I can more effectively face conflict. Affirming wholeness helps me better know health. Claiming prosperity broadens my experience of the world’s richness. In prayer, my faith is strong.

So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.—Mark 11:24

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Let Go Let God With Remembrance

With Gratitude And Respect, I Remember.

Today I honor those who have gone before me. Through my remembrances, I keep their unique contributions to my life and the world alive. Even though these dear ones may be gone from the world, they live in my memory and inspire me to keep living, loving, and growing. Life goes on. I do not cling to my memories or hope to recapture the past, but I keep the best of those I’ve known and loved close to my heart. I celebrate their memory, speak their names, and feel gratitude for the time we shared. I allow the full expression of my emotions during these tender times. I may feel sad and vulnerable or joyous and peaceful. I don’t judge myself, and I sit with my feelings for as long as I need to. With love in my heart, I remember.

For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered forever.—Psalm 112:6

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Let Go Let God Restore Harmony

Love Restores Harmony To Every Corner Of My Life.

A lack of harmony is a call for love, the great healing force in the Universe and the very nature of God. When I want to restore harmony within myself, my relationships, or the world around me, I place my hand over my heart, feeling the rhythm of every beat, and remember that, as a child of God, my very nature is love. Discord has no place in the sacred space I create in my heart. I center myself in divine love, clothe myself with the garments of truth, and trust that the manifestation of my good is assured. The world within me and the world around me respond to the love I radiate. I am in balance, and I feel grateful for perfect harmony and the many ways it shows up in the world.

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.—Colossians 3:14

Monday, September 9, 2024

Let Go Let God Realize Prosperity

I Count My Blessings, And Abundance Flows To Me.

When worrisome thoughts trouble me, I respond by counting my blessings. I take a moment to recall recent days or weeks and all the good things that have happened. Each blessing that comes to mind is a manifestation of prosperity. As I give thanks for each one, my prosperity consciousness grows. I begin to recognize abundance everywhere—in the beauty of nature, in acts of kindness, in words of praise. I realize I am richer than I thought. I give thanks for my talents and skills, for the opportunity to do meaningful work. I count my friends and family among my greatest blessings. I discover more ways I have prospered and find new channels of good. My heart fills with love and gratitude as I realize my prosperity.

Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper, and happy are those who trust in the Lord.—Proverbs 16:20

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Let Go Let God Through Grace

Through Divine Grace, I Am Abundantly Blessed In Every Way.

Grace is an awareness that, wherever I am, God is. It is my reminder to let God be God in me. Grace assures me that I am never alone on my journey through life, that no matter what I do or fail to do, I am unconditionally loved and accepted at the level of Spirit. Grace touches every area of my life. In a lonely moment, grace is the overwhelming awareness that I am loved. It is the surprising way through a challenge I considered unsolvable. It is my whole body suddenly glowing with the power of divine life even as I experience a health challenge. These are just some of the many ways I experience grace. Grace need not be, nor can it be, earned. It is a divine gift, available at every moment. As I open my heart to divine grace, I am filled with indescribable peace. 

Grace be with all of you.—Hebrews 13:25

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Let Go Let God Affirm Divine Order

My Life Is In Divine Order, And All Is Well With My Soul.

Upon awakening, I set the tone for the day by appreciating the divine order that supports me and all life. This means even when I encounter disorder, I remain centered. If I’m stuck in traffic or struggling with a project, I affirm divine order and trust perfect unfoldment. If I am in disagreement with someone, I listen to my heart of love and peace before responding, trusting the right words and actions will come to me, helping to set things right. Affirming divine order connects me with the truth that order and harmony underlie every worldly condition and circumstance. Remembering there is order in all things helps me trust that God is greater than any circumstance, and all is well. 

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.—Psalm 19:7

Friday, September 6, 2024

Let Go Let God Share Friendship

I Know And Share The Love Of God Through Friendship.

A good friend is like a warm blanket on a cold day-a comfort and a joy. When I’m feeling down or in need of a compassionate ear, I reach out to my friends and trust they will be there for me. My heart rejoices in the memories we have shared-the tears and the laughter. These treasures are part of the rich tapestry of my life. My ups and downs would not have been the same without the supportive presence of my friends. I pray I am the blessing in my friends’ lives that they have been in mine. I endeavor always to be responsive and compassionate, to celebrate their joys and alleviate their sorrows. I know the unconditional acceptance and love of God through friendship, and I share that love by being a good friend in return.

A friend loves at all times, and kinsfolk are born to share adversity.—Proverbs 17:17

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

No Matter The State Of My Life, I Am At Peace.

As long as I am alive, my worldly fortunes will ebb and flow. It’s likely there will be times of plenty and times of lack, times of health and times of illness, times of harmony and cooperation as well as times of conflict and disagreement. Even as my life’s conditions change in ways desirable and not, peace can always be mine when I find my meaning and purpose in my spiritual identity as a child of God. In God, I know perfect peace. It is the serenity of being comfortable in my skin, confident in my choices, and at ease with the people I meet and the circumstances in which I find myself. My freedom lies in choosing peace again and again. I trust in life’s perfect unfoldment. God’s peace is my peace now and always.

For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace.—Isaiah 55:12

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Let Go Let God Let Energy Flow

Through The Divine Within Me, I Am Energetic.

So many times I have wished I had more energy to finish work, to embark on new pursuits, or even just to have fun. Today I remember all the energy I could ever need has its roots in God. Energy is limitless and boundless, just as God is. If I am feeling a lack of energy, I take it as a cue to align myself with the Divine. I begin by searching myself for blocks to the full expression of God within me. Perhaps I have not taken enough time for self-care and need to catch up on sleep, or I may need to make more time for prayer or other spiritual practices. I give my body and mind what they need and feel my energy return. Fully aligned with the Divine within, my energy flows freely as I follow my inspiration and do all that is mine to do.

For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me.—Colossians 1:29

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Full Of Joy

My Heart Is Full Of Joy.

I begin each day by choosing joy. Rather than waiting for pleasant surprises or other serendipitous happenings to spark joy within me, I carry it in my heart and expect to attract joyful experiences to me. My faith and imagination help me live a joyful life. Through faith, I believe joy is part of me, one of my spiritual gifts. I use my imagination to picture how I will find joy and share it with others, inspiring them to find joy for themselves. So much more than a feeling of happiness or an attitude of positivity, joy has its roots in God. It is the contentment I feel when my heart is full and I feel connected to the world around me. Joy is a kind of spiritual superpower. With it, I am able to transcend the limits of the world and lift myself into the realm of God.

And all the people went up following him, playing on pipes and rejoicing with great joy.—1 Kings 1:40

Monday, September 2, 2024

Let Go Let God Rest

Making Time For Rest Rejuvenates Me.

Rest brings balance and harmony to life. I remember this when I am tempted to think I don’t have time to step away and take it easy for a while. Much of life’s sweetness is lived in its restful interludes, the spaces between the big events and milestones, when I have time to let myself simply be. Whether I spend time alone or in the company of friends and family, my relaxed, unscheduled time softens the edges of life and reminds me there is so much more to living than my obligations and goals. I also feel the presence of God strongly during my periods of rest, when my mind has a chance to settle and be free of distractions. In this space, I perceive the Divine anew, the presence and power that is always mine to express.

And I say, “O that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.”—Psalm 55:6

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let Go Let God Together

Togetherness Enriches My Soul.

So much of modern life involves time alone and solitary effort. The more conveniences I acquire, the less time I may seem to have. When I find myself spending too much time alone, it’s good for me to invest time and effort in my relationships. Togetherness is a way to remember life is about more than work and busyness, and I am part of something greater than myself. Time spent with others blesses and enriches me. It calls me to share of myself and remain open to others’ journeys and ways of looking at life I may have not considered. Togetherness is a balm for my soul, a way to feel the presence of God reflected in those with whom I share this wonderful planet. I am part of the wondrous human family, and I celebrate our togetherness. 

So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.—Romans 12:5