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Monday, September 9, 2024

Let Go Let God Realize Prosperity

I Count My Blessings, And Abundance Flows To Me.

When worrisome thoughts trouble me, I respond by counting my blessings. I take a moment to recall recent days or weeks and all the good things that have happened. Each blessing that comes to mind is a manifestation of prosperity. As I give thanks for each one, my prosperity consciousness grows. I begin to recognize abundance everywhere—in the beauty of nature, in acts of kindness, in words of praise. I realize I am richer than I thought. I give thanks for my talents and skills, for the opportunity to do meaningful work. I count my friends and family among my greatest blessings. I discover more ways I have prospered and find new channels of good. My heart fills with love and gratitude as I realize my prosperity.

Those who are attentive to a matter will prosper, and happy are those who trust in the Lord.—Proverbs 16:20

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