Divine Orders Shop

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Let Go Let God Together

Togetherness Enriches My Soul.

So much of modern life involves time alone and solitary effort. The more conveniences I acquire, the less time I may seem to have. When I find myself spending too much time alone, it’s good for me to invest time and effort in my relationships. Togetherness is a way to remember life is about more than work and busyness, and I am part of something greater than myself. Time spent with others blesses and enriches me. It calls me to share of myself and remain open to others’ journeys and ways of looking at life I may have not considered. Togetherness is a balm for my soul, a way to feel the presence of God reflected in those with whom I share this wonderful planet. I am part of the wondrous human family, and I celebrate our togetherness. 

So we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.—Romans 12:5

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