Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Let Go Let God There Is Time Enough

I Have Time Enough To Do What Is Mine To Do. 

It’s natural to wonder how I’ll find time to do all that is before me, especially if I feel overburdened or pulled in too many directions. When this happens, I affirm: I have time enough. These simple yet powerful words remind me I am in control of how I focus my energy and how I use my time. Even if I cannot control what is happening around me, I can control what is happening within me. Through the power of God within, I use my spiritual gift of will to choose how to direct my attention and energy. I do one thing at a time, affirming I have time enough when I am tempted to try to multitask. Reclaiming my spiritual power, I relax and feel time expand. I do what is mine to do, affirming I have time enough as often as I need to.

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.—Psalm 90:12

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