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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

No Matter The State Of My Life, I Am At Peace.

As long as I am alive, my worldly fortunes will ebb and flow. It’s likely there will be times of plenty and times of lack, times of health and times of illness, times of harmony and cooperation as well as times of conflict and disagreement. Even as my life’s conditions change in ways desirable and not, peace can always be mine when I find my meaning and purpose in my spiritual identity as a child of God. In God, I know perfect peace. It is the serenity of being comfortable in my skin, confident in my choices, and at ease with the people I meet and the circumstances in which I find myself. My freedom lies in choosing peace again and again. I trust in life’s perfect unfoldment. God’s peace is my peace now and always.

For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace.—Isaiah 55:12

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