Divine Orders Shop

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Let Go Let God Let Energy Flow

Through The Divine Within Me, I Am Energetic.

So many times I have wished I had more energy to finish work, to embark on new pursuits, or even just to have fun. Today I remember all the energy I could ever need has its roots in God. Energy is limitless and boundless, just as God is. If I am feeling a lack of energy, I take it as a cue to align myself with the Divine. I begin by searching myself for blocks to the full expression of God within me. Perhaps I have not taken enough time for self-care and need to catch up on sleep, or I may need to make more time for prayer or other spiritual practices. I give my body and mind what they need and feel my energy return. Fully aligned with the Divine within, my energy flows freely as I follow my inspiration and do all that is mine to do.

For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me.—Colossians 1:29

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