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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Let Go Let God Be Full Of Joy

My Heart Is Full Of Joy.

I begin each day by choosing joy. Rather than waiting for pleasant surprises or other serendipitous happenings to spark joy within me, I carry it in my heart and expect to attract joyful experiences to me. My faith and imagination help me live a joyful life. Through faith, I believe joy is part of me, one of my spiritual gifts. I use my imagination to picture how I will find joy and share it with others, inspiring them to find joy for themselves. So much more than a feeling of happiness or an attitude of positivity, joy has its roots in God. It is the contentment I feel when my heart is full and I feel connected to the world around me. Joy is a kind of spiritual superpower. With it, I am able to transcend the limits of the world and lift myself into the realm of God.

And all the people went up following him, playing on pipes and rejoicing with great joy.—1 Kings 1:40

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