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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Let Go Let God Feel Gratitude

I Feel The Presence Of God As I Express My Gratitude.

Gratitude may not always come naturally to me. Perhaps I have started the day feeling rushed and stressed or I may be juggling multiple obligations or have too many demands on my time. Pausing for a moment of gratitude shifts my outlook. I pause, breathe deeply, and simply affirm: I am grateful. As I do, I feel my heart open. I breathe a cleansing, renewing breath and exhale any troubling or anxious thoughts. My heartbeat slows, my mind settles, and my body relaxes. It takes only a moment, and the benefits are so worthwhile. With 24 hours in a day, I know it’s possible to take a few moments to focus on being thankful. As I do, I feel gratitude fill me in mind, heart, and soul. I affirm again and again: I am grateful.

I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart.—Psalm 138:1 

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