Divine Orders Shop

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Let Go Let God Rest

Making Time For Rest Rejuvenates Me.

Rest brings balance and harmony to life. I remember this when I am tempted to think I don’t have time to step away and take it easy for a while. Much of life’s sweetness is lived in its restful interludes, the spaces between the big events and milestones, when I have time to let myself simply be. Whether I spend time alone or in the company of friends and family, my relaxed, unscheduled time softens the edges of life and reminds me there is so much more to living than my obligations and goals. I also feel the presence of God strongly during my periods of rest, when my mind has a chance to settle and be free of distractions. In this space, I perceive the Divine anew, the presence and power that is always mine to express.

And I say, “O that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.”—Psalm 55:6

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