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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Let Go Let God Envision World Peace

I Join With Those Around The World Envisioning And Affirming Peace.

I recognize the value of every person on the planet and believe all people deserve to live in peace and harmony. As I honor the divinity of each person I encounter, I look beyond surface differences and backgrounds and grow in empathy and understanding. By maintaining a consciousness of peace, I become a part of the effort to bring it to the world. Through my commitment to spiritual growth and ethical living, I remain calm in troubling circumstances and meet discord with compassion. When I learn of conflict in the world, I bring the situation into my prayer time. I know that all people are expressions of God. I let this realization take root in my thoughts and affirm we are all one in a spirit of love and peace.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.—Matthew 5:9

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