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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Let Go, Let God

With A Grateful Heart, I Bid The Year Farewell.

As the year draws to a close, I reflect upon the joyful times as well as the lower points of the past several months. In a prayerful moment of contemplation, I feel gratitude as I accept all of it. I may have laughed and cried, celebrated and grieved, but I made it. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I have met the year’s events with faith and have grown resilient. Now it’s time for me to let it all go as I prepare to begin again. I take the lessons of the past 12 months—their joys and sorrows—and prepare myself for the new year. I let go and let God as I spiritually surrender my hopes and dreams and even my fears. I am divinely guided and infinitely blessed. I step boldly and bravely into a year that is mine to live to the fullest. 

Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord.—Psalm 4:5

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Let Go Let God Connect With Protection

I Am Protected By God's Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, And Grace

The love of God protects and surrounds me with a powerful presence and light. As I envision this radiant energy, I feel safe and secure in its enfolding care. I make wise choices and work in the best interest of my soul, taking my guidance from my indwelling divine wisdom. I am one with the all-knowing mind of God, the source of the ever-available knowledge within me. Whatever I need to realize is revealed to me. I know what to do, and I act with confidence. I am connected with the all-protecting grace of God, my bulwark and shield, safeguarding my soul and guiding my way. I act with confidence. My path is made clear and I am guided along my journey in a way that leads to my greatest good. 

The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts; so I am helped.—Psalm 28:7 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Let Go Let God Delight In The Wonderful

I Delight in This Wonderful World.

The ability to be delighted, to experience wonder is a gift that enriches my life. Over the years, I have been grateful for the things I can enjoy without needing to explain, the wow moments that still happen, often when I least expect them. Seeing a meteor shower in the night sky or a brilliant rainbow after a rain, watching fresh snow sparkle like diamonds in the morning sun, noticing the first green shoots of spring—the more I become open to such wonders, the more wonderful opportunities I find. Acts of kindness and compassion and the feeling of harmony and peace are wonderful. Living in the flow of love that joins the human family in the allness of God is perhaps the greatest wonder I will ever know. 

The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.—Psalm 19:1

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Let Go Let God Relax

I Relax Into The Truth Of Myself As A Divine Being.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Free

I Am Free To Choose My Path Forward.

I am a spiritual being—a living, breathing, creative expression of God. My mind and heart are open and receptive to spiritual truth. If I feel weighed down by the affairs of the world or if my personal life feels burdensome, I turn to the freedom that is always mine as a divine being. I can choose to set my burdens aside and place my attention on God. As my awareness of God expands, I am unbound. I am free to choose my thoughts. I’m free to choose where to place my focus, what to believe, and how I spend my time. I free myself each time I consciously release my unwanted thoughts and feelings. I am not bound to the things of the world or even to my beliefs. When I change my thoughts, I change my life. This is the sweetest freedom. 

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.—John 10:10

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Let Go Let God As A Community

My Family And My Community Are My Strength And Support.

I am an individual in the world, but I am also a member of my family and community. The people who know me and the people who raised me have helped shape my understanding of the world and have given me the support I need to take my place in it. They are to me what good soil is to a budding flower. My roots are strong in my community, and I grow tall as I reach for opportunities to use my talents and gifts to the best of my ability. My dreams and my potential are without limit. My community of support knows this; it urges me forward to success and comforts me during times of disappointment. I feel the love of God in their words and actions, and return that love without hesitation. 

If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.—1 Corinthians 12:26 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Let Go Let God It's Christmas Day

I Celebrate Christmas With A Happy Heart.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Let Go Let God With Joy

With Joy, I Prepare For The Rebirth Of The Christ Within.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Let Go Let God Follow Guidance

With Faith I Follow My Inner Guidance.

When I travel, I observe the road signs that indicate where I might get food, fuel, or a place to rest. They tell me which exit to take when I need to change roads. I may consult a map or GPS for clear directions. When I consider the paths of my life, I also discern signs to follow. Some may come from outer sources like the counsel of a friend or professional, but most trustworthy is my own inner wisdom, a spiritual guidance system that helps me navigate on my journeys through life. I ask the questions of my heart in prayer, open to direction and answers. I affirm that I know what to do and that I have the resources to do it with ease and grace. I follow my guidance with faith, trusting I am moving toward my highest good. 

If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.—Galatians 5:25

Friday, December 22, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Release My Concern For Others Through Prayer.

The people for whom I pray are whole and perfect expressions of God, just as I am. We are connected in the great heart of oneness. When thoughts of concern fill my mind, I remember all others have the same spiritual gifts I do. Rather than worry, I let go of any anxious feelings and release those for whom I pray into the care and keeping of the spirit of God within them. As I pray, I free them to experience their highest good and know they are divinely guided. The spiritual protection and healing they seek are already established within them. As I release them to their own wisdom, I am also led along my own perfect path of unfoldment. My prayer of faith is my assurance of right and perfect outcomes, both for them and for me. 

I have prayed for you that your own faith may not fail.—Luke 22:32 

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Let Go Let God Shine Brightly

My Inner Light Shines As Bright As The Sun.

The word bright brings the sun to mind. The sun is approximately 93 million miles from the earth, and yet its light still brightens my days. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Even more amazing is the light that shines from within me. My light comes from God, my spiritual source. The closer I bring my awareness to this indwelling divine presence, the brighter my light becomes. Of all the ways I can feel the power of this divine connection, one of the best is to let my light shine brightly so it may lift up and bless others. My bright light shines as I help someone in need. Every time I reach out to another, my light not only shines brightly but grows even stronger. I am happy and grateful to be a bright source that shines with divine light. 

Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky.—Daniel 12:3

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Let Go Let God Claim Prosperity

I Have Everything I Need.

God, the one presence and power, is infinite and without limitation, so it follows that God’s abundance is boundless. I keep that in mind when my supply seems limited and I worry about having enough of what I need. As a spiritual being, I have access to divine ideas. I claim these divine ideas in prayer and trust as they grow in my consciousness, I will see evidence of them in my life. Whether I am in meditation or going about my daily tasks, I keep my heart centered on that which is flourishing. Expansion and abundance are the nature of God. It is not necessary to know how or from where my abundance will come. With gratitude, I step forward to claim my many blessings. 

You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with richness.—Psalm 65:11 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Comforted

God Is My Solace In Times Of Need. I Am Comforted.

The holidays can be hard for those who are struggling with loss, grief, and sadness. This time of year can feel especially lonely when so many are joyous and celebrations seem to be everywhere. One of the best things I can do is reach out to those who care for me and share what I am going through and how I am feeling. It is an act of loving self-care to seek help and comfort when I need it. I also remember that no matter the time of year or the date on the calendar, God is with me. I am comforted knowing whatever I may be called to face, I need never face it alone. As I move through my low periods, I rely on God’s love, coming to me through the caring words and helping hands of my dear ones. 

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.—Psalm 34:18

Monday, December 18, 2023

Let Go Let God Inspire World Peace

I Walk A Path Of Peace That Blesses The World.

Jesus was called the prince of peace. I honor his life and teachings as I walk in his footsteps and live by his teachings of love, peace, and inclusion. I set my intention to walk my own path of peace by being an ambassador of goodwill and helping to bring about world peace. My words encourage harmony, and my actions inspire peace. As I promote cooperation in my immediate circle, I cause a ripple effect that spreads outward. Beyond my community, I envision the world’s people helping one another and expressing their divine nature of love. I bless the world with prayers of wisdom and love. I hold the vision of people everywhere shining their inner lights and living in harmony. 

For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.—Isaiah 9:6 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Let Go Let God Love

I Feel Blessed To Share God's Steadfast Love.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Let Go Let God Take Time For Self-Care

Guided By The Christ Presence Within, I Take Time To Care For Myself.

I am a spiritual being, a living expression of God. Divine life lives as me. So that I may fully experience the divine qualities that make me who I am, I pay attention. I let the Christ presence within show me how best to care for myself. I care for my body with the right balance of recreation and exercise, restorative sleep and rest, and wholesome nutrition. I nourish my mind with uplifting thoughts and strengthen it through lifelong study and stimulating conversation. I nurture my spiritual life not only through prayer but also by finding the divine presence everywhere I go and in everyone I meet. 

He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.—Mark 6:31 

Friday, December 15, 2023

Let Go Let God Celebrate

I Celebrate My Relationship With God.

So much of life involves being busy. Work and other obligations, even the pursuits I enjoy the most, fill my calendar and my waking hours. Taking time to celebrate, to enjoy myself in the company of family and friends rejuvenates me and helps me relax. Having fun in my lighthearted moments opens me up and brings me happiness. In this space of lightness, I can better feel the presence of God in the smiles and laughter of those with whom I celebrate. Especially at Christmastime, I give myself a rest from my preparations and join in the festivities of the season. When I do this, I can better take to heart the reason for the season: Jesus and the glorious rebirth of the Christ within. 

Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre.—Psalm 149:3

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Let Go Let God Live In Harmony

I Live A Life Of Harmony.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Let Go Let God Trust Divine Order

I Trust The Timing Of Divine Order.

If I find myself struggling to remain patient, hoping for a quick resolution to a problem or a wished-for result to unfold, I regain my patience remembering divine order is at work. This awareness helps me take a broader perspective and trust divine timing. I need not be passive and merely wait. I tend to my spiritual life, affirming the highest and best result is on its way, affirming my gratitude in all things, and tending to my self-care needs. As I focus my attention on that which I can control, I withdraw my focus on trying to force a result. In that space, wonderful, surprising things can happen. I trust the process of divine order and believe the best outcomes are unfolding in the perfect way at the perfect time. 

Put things in order … agree with one another, live in peace.—2 Corinthians 13:11

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Let Go Let God Experience Grace

I Am Grateful For The Gift Of Grace.

I experience God’s grace every day. When I reflect upon examples of grace, I remember that it comes to me freely in many ways. I receive grace when my mistakes do not cause the serious repercussions they might have. And when I get an idea through divine guidance, I recognize my prosperity as evidence of God’s good freely flowing into my life. I experience grace in action when a concerning situation turns out far better than I imagined it might. Grace is God’s love in action. Grace does not require me to earn it, nor is it meted out as a reward for good behavior. It is truly a gift. I give thanks for experiences of grace, perhaps recording them in a journal as I remind myself I am always in God’s loving care. 

When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion.—Acts 11:23 

Monday, December 11, 2023

Let Go Let God Choose Mindfulness

I Bring My Mindful Attention To Every Moment Of The Day.

So many things can pull my attention away from what I’m choosing to do. I may be tempted to think I am able to multitask and do several things at once. But I am able to do only one thing at a time, and if I try to do too much at once, I will likely feel frazzled and not do any of them especially well. Today I practice mindfulness, giving deep attention to one thing at a time. As I give my full attention to whatever I am doing, time expands and I find I am able to spend my time and attention more efficiently, free from distraction. My mindful attention reminds me of my innate powers of focus and concentration. As a divine being, I am not at the mercy of the demands of the world. I direct my attention mindfully, where and how I choose. 

But all things should be done decently and in order.—1 Corinthians 14:40

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Let Go Let God Share Peace

Peace Is The Song Of My Heart.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Let Go Let God Practice Nonresistance

Embracing What Is, I Welcome A Life Of Ease And Grace.

Acceptance of people and situations to be exactly as they are gives me peace. Of course, it is human nature to want to be right. But when I don’t like what I see and fight against it, I give power to what I don’t want. What I fight gains might. What I resist, persists. I practice spiritual surrender. I see everything for what it is, accept where I find myself in every moment, and then instead of lamenting Why me? I ask instead, How does this become something that works for me, and how do I learn from it? This simple act of nonresistance helps me leave my struggle behind and find peace. In my acceptance, I am free, unencumbered by anger or resentment. I don’t have to fight to be right. 

Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”—Matthew 26:52

Friday, December 8, 2023

Let Go Let God Find Power

I Take Dominion Over My Thoughts And Find My Power.

Sometimes it feels as though I am a bystander on the sidelines of life, that things happen to me and I have no choice other than to accept unfavorable circumstances. But I can choose to empower myself by claiming my divine dominion. My thoughts and words have power. In the past, I may have used that power haphazardly, unaware of my creative ability. As I have grown spiritually, I have come to realize power as one of my divine gifts. I can change my thoughts and replace defeating words with affirmative words of empowerment. Things may happen to me, but life happens through me. I am a divine being with power to create my life experience through my thoughts, words, and actions. 

But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.—John 1:12 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Luminous

I Shine The Infinite Light Of God.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Let Go Let God With Forgiveness

I Forgive And Find My Freedom.

Forgiveness is a process of release that starts with willingness. It does not mean I condone the hurt I experienced—it means I am willing to lay down the burden I carry in favor of healing and peace of mind. Forgiveness is a powerful kind of self-care. It need not include an exchange with another, because it takes place within. Throughout the process, I prayerfully seek divine direction as I discern what is mine to do. As I forgive others, I also forgive myself for holding on to anger or resentment. Releasing a grudge can compare to flushing out a toxin and restoring well-being. I forgive and as I do, I open the door to a happier future, to a lightness of being, to a new beginning filled with freedom and possibilities. 

For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call on you.—Psalm 86:5

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Let Go Let God Bless Family

I Honor And Bless My Family.

I treasure and cherish the many ways my life is enriched by family—not only those related by birth but also my greater spiritual family. I bless them as I value the support and care they give me. Even when we are not together, I carry their love with me. My family is a gift from God. Because of them, I feel secure in my place in the world. I know that whatever I try to accomplish, they will root for my success. They will cheer me in victory and console me in defeat. No matter who else comes or goes in my life, my family is a constant presence. They are the way I can feel the presence of God on earth. I bless my beautiful family by praying they know the love they have always given me. 

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name.—Ephesians 3:14-15

Monday, December 4, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Compassionate

I Listen And Respond With Compassion.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Let Go Let God In Hope And Faith

My Hope Leads Me To Deepen In Faith.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Let Go Let God Enthusiastically

I Am Passionate And Purposeful.

Enthusiasm is my call from Spirit within to fulfill the promise of my talents and gifts. Following my passion leads me to express my divine nature as only I can. When I feel eager to pursue a dream, when I can’t wait to learn more and do more, it’s likely my divine gift of zeal is nudging me forward and fueling my enthusiasm. When I am divinely inspired, I am wholeheartedly engaged. Through my fervor I am more present and joyful. I become more enthusiastic about life as I not only listen to the guidance from Spirit within but also prioritize walking my spiritual path. As I pursue my passion, doors open, and I walk through them with gratitude. I am in the flow of the Universe. 

But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Friday, December 1, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Healing

My Body Is A Temple. I Am Healthy Whole And Well.

Healing is both an inner and an outer experience. Inwardly, I care for myself in mind, body, and soul. I focus my thoughts on my breath, being mindful of the full range of my emotions, and by envisioning my body as the holy temple it is. Outwardly, I take action. I seek healing treatments, eat right and exercise, and stay informed about how best to care for my body. My holistic approach helps me take charge of my healing journey. I use my divine gifts to discern my inner wisdom, make wise choices, and know that no matter what is happening with my body, I am always whole. As I partner with God and focus my actions on healing, my body responds. I breathe easier, feel stronger, and know my wholeness. 

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my whole being shall exult in my God.—Isaiah 61:10

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Resilient

I Am Strong And Resilient As I Meet Life's Changes.

Life is about perspective. Sometimes I feel I am sailing smooth waters and sometimes I feel I am bobbing in waves, just keeping my head above the surface. In these times, I pray—keeping my mind and heart attuned to God within. My soul rises. I am buoyant, able to ride the waves of life. If I find myself resisting change, I remember I am able to adapt to shifting circumstances and rediscover my peace. I keep my life in perspective, knowing there are no coincidences and all is in divine order. I have the power to make everything that happens in my life for my good. I am strong, yet flexible. I live lightly. I bounce back from disappointment. My life experiences, both good and bad, strengthen my resolve and enrich my outlook. 

Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong.—1 Corinthians 16:13

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Let Go Let God Feel Protected

I Am Enfolded In Divine Protection.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Let Go Let God Share

My Abundance Multiplies When  I Share My Good.

My most memorable experiences are those I have shared with others. Meals enjoyed with my dear ones nourish my soul as well as my body. Attending a concert or sporting event, watching a movie, pursuing hobbies—so many experiences become more pleasurable when I share them with people who have similar interests. Sharing my financial resources as well as my time and skills allows me to demonstrate my faith in abundance. I give thanks for the good that has flowed to me by passing it along. Taking part in service projects gives me a special joy when I work alongside other caring souls and see what our combined efforts can accomplish. 

Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common.—Acts 4:32

Monday, November 27, 2023

Let Go, Let God

I Trust In The Steadfast Love Of God.

Over the years, I have learned that life is easier when I let go and let God. Even though I am aware of this truth, there are times when I slip into the pattern of struggling on my own. Grappling with roadblocks, frustration, or worry is discomforting and yet gets my attention. Like walking with a rock in my shoe, the distress will not go away until I take some action. With awareness comes the opportunity to make a change, to reawaken and turn to God once again. Opening to the Divine, I release my burden. I begin to feel relief as I become relaxed and peaceful. I quiet my mind, trusting and acting upon divine guidance when it comes. I am lifted in Spirit, rejuvenated, and confident. 

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.—Psalm 52:8

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Let Go Let God Experience Grace

I Trust Grace Is My Constant Blessing.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

I Feel Blessed To Pray For Others.

Jesus taught his disciples about the importance of prayer in Luke’s gospel. He said, “For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened” (Luke 11:10). I take Jesus’ words to heart as I pray for others. As I prepare a space in my home for prayer, I also make room in my consciousness for God. My prayer time is my opportunity to knock on the door of infinite consciousness, trusting the concerns of those for whom I pray are working out in the best way possible. I trust that, in Spirit, it is already done. I am centered in God, and God is centered in me. I pray, knowing that which I pray for—healing, peace, prosperity—is mine in consciousness. I give thanks for the sacred trust of prayer. 

Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication.—Ephesians 6:18

Friday, November 24, 2023

Let Go Let God Affirm Prosperity

Prosperity Is Mine.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Let Go Let God Give Thanks

My Gratitude Grows Throughout The Seasons Of My Life.

The gratitude in my heart fills me with love and contentment. I express my grateful feelings joyfully, knowing each demonstration of gratitude holds creative power that aligns me with the overflowing good of the Universe. When I give thanks, I affirm my blessedness and acknowledge my many gifts. But I also communicate my appreciation for that which I have not yet received. In doing so, I stand firmly on a foundation of faith. I declare my trust in the process of life and its unfolding for my highest good. Using my faith to shift my perspective, I can also appreciate the challenges in my life. Where before I saw obstacles and problems, I now see opportunities to return to gratitude, knowing every experience is for my growth. 

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Let Go Let God Share Joy

With So Much To Share, I Give And Receive With Joy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Let Go Let God Give Thanks For Plenty

I Give Thanks  For My Blessings, Large And Small.

Joy fills my heart in so many ways each day. I hear it in the laughter of a child at play and see it in the excitement of a dog greeting its owner. I feel joyous when I take in the vibrant colors of a sunrise and gaze at the immensity of the stars in the night sky. From the smallest creature to the vastness of the universe, I find evidence of God all around me. Little things in life fill my heart, strengthening my connection to my dear ones and to the planet itself. I open myself to the goodness of God. I notice the smile of a stranger and the fragrance of a flower. I marvel at the miracle of my body and give thanks for my place in the world. I joyously give thanks for my blessings every day. 

And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.—2 Corinthians 9:8

Monday, November 20, 2023

Let Go Let God With Anticipation

As I Savor My Anticipation, My Joy Grows.

Looking forward to a special day or event can fill my heart with feelings of happiness and love. Even the work I do in preparation feels light because I know it’s for the enjoyment of others. It may be tempting to wish the festive occasion would hurry up and arrive, but that would mean missing out on being present to the exhilaration of anticipation. This feeling of looking forward to something and preparing for it gives me energy and keeps me feeling positive. This is where I discover my joy. This divine gift is always mine, but my anticipation brings it to the fore of my awareness. As I move forward with purposeful eagerness, my burdens are light because I am buoyed by joy. I feel God with me as I prepare, my joy growing by the day. 

You have put gladness in my heart more than when their grain and wine abound.—Psalm 4:7

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Let Go Let God Manifest Guidance

Divine Guidance Clears And Lights My Way.

I am divinely guided, moment by moment, breath by breath. With certainty and assurance, I go forth to do what is mine to do, trusting all things are working for good. Even during the most trying times, through my faith I am assured all is well, regardless of appearances—just as the sun shines after a storm. In times of uncertainty, I turn within, pray, and enter the Silence where I can better discern the still, small voice within me. Then I relax and pay attention to my intuition. I listen deeply to my soul’s calling. I am open and receptive to the many ways my guidance manifests. Knowing and claiming my oneness with God, I dare to reach for my dreams. With unshakable faith, I go forth expecting to receive clear guidance and direction from the Christ within me. 

I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go.—Psalm 32:8

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Comfort

Knowing God Is With Me Is My Greatest Comfort.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Let Go Let God Support World Peace

I Think And Act In Support Of Peace On Earth.

Today my intention is to bless the world by being a peaceful presence. I am one with God, with the love that dwells within me and all people. I accept the calling and make a commitment to be a peacemaker. While I realize I alone will not bring the whole world to a place of peace, my contribution still matters. My love, respect, and kindness are powerful as they touch others. Those who feel this love in action may be inspired to offer their own words and acts of kindness and thereby multiply the blessings of peace. As I interact with people or respond to what I see or hear, I keep in mind how I am influencing world peace. I act in support of and hold the vision of peace on earth.  

Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.—Philippians 4:9

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Let Go Let God All Is Holy

All Life Is Holy.

When I view everything around me as holy, I more easily find God everywhere. This perspective prompts me to appreciate other people and all the world’s beings in a new way. I feel a sacred trust to care for the world and its creatures, to regard my earth home as holy. Realizing each person is a divine being, just as I am, helps me see past our differences and realize we are members of the same human family with many common goals. I hold a vision that others will join me in this outlook. Everything we say and all we do will be gifts we give to the world. When we live with the intention to bless and uplift the world, we will be treating our beloved earth as the holy place it is. 

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.—Psalm 24:1

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Let Go Let God Bless My Life

My Life Is A Blessing For Me And The World.

My life is a precious gift. There may be times I get so caught up in my day-to-day responsibilities that my life feels small. When that happens, I may lose my appreciation for all I have accomplished over the years and the many ways I’ve been blessed. When I step back and consider the arc of my lifetime, I have renewed appreciation for how far I’ve come and rekindled passion for how far I still may go. Throughout my life, God has been with me, the inspiration guiding my thoughts and the love filling my heart. Divine life flows through me, animating me as I have taken my place in the world. Through the power of my spiritual gifts, I bless the world with my unique talents and abilities, sharing the gift of my life. 

The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.—Psalm 121:8

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Free Myself Through Forgiveness.

As long as I am holding on to thoughts that someone or something wronged me, I am in a prison of my own making. Instead of focusing on the way things should be or could have been, I focus instead upon the gifts and blessings that are mine in this moment. Through my divine gifts of understanding and wisdom, I am willing to think differently about the past. I release unforgiving thoughts and the power I’ve given to my memories. I let go of the heaviness of resentments, judgments, betrayals, and beliefs I’ve been carrying for too long. Forgiveness is a gift to myself—it’s the key to my liberation. I rejoice in the glory and healing power of God’s love within me. I surrender my troubled heart to the Christ within and soar on wings of love. 

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.—Luke 6:37

Monday, November 13, 2023

Let Go Let God With Kindness

I Greet Everyone With Words Of Kindness.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Let Go Let God Have Faith

Faith Heals, Prospers, Blesses, And Sustains Me.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Let Go Let God Provide Service

I Give Thanks For Those That Serve.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Let Go Let God Choose Freedom

One With God, I Am Spiritually Free.

I celebrate the gift of divine freedom. I am always and forever a free child of God despite any appearances to the contrary. Nothing and no one can separate me from my divine gift of freedom. Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl discovered the power to claim his freedom. In Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl wrote, “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” Today I choose freedom and go forward, undeterred by challenges that may arise. I live and love in freedom, casting aside all fears. I release myself from worry and self-doubt and live boldly and joyfully. 

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Let Go Let God All Is In Divine Order

I Affirm Divine Order And Give Thanks For Unfolding Good.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Let Go Let God Through Caring

God's Love And Care Express Through Me.

Each person’s ability to empathize with others, particularly during their lowest moments, is a precious gift and a way to bring the love of God into the world. My impulse to care is from God. Each time my heart opens to feel another’s experience, each time I am moved to share of myself in service, I am the hands and heart of God. Should I ever doubt whether my caring efforts to serve others make a difference, I remember this impulse to help is in everyone. I lend my open heart and eager hands to others who are bringing comfort and assistance to those in need. God’s presence is felt keenly through the caring attention we give. 

He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.—Luke 10:34

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Let Go Let God Desire

My Desires Lead Me To Live Fully From My Divine Identity.

When I consider the desires of my heart, I take care to search within. It may be tempting to tie my desires to material goods and worldly success, but the things I treasure most—love, peace, and freedom—derive from God and are mine by right of divine inheritance. I pay attention to the things of the world for which I may yearn. That which catches my interest and kindles my imagination will likely lead me into a fuller experience of life. As I pursue my passions and desires, I live more intentionally and routinely draw upon the power of my divine gifts. In the past, I wanted to get the most from life as I could. Now my heart’s desire is to give all I can to life in the way that only I can. 

You desire truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart.—Psalm 51:6 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Let Go Let God Claim Healing

In Spirit, I Am Whole.

When the seasons shift, my attention turns to life’s ebb and flow. Nature shows me the world is always changing. I also experience different seasons in my life, including times of needing healing. But just as the leaves and flowers sprout every spring, I can return to the experience of wholeness. As a spiritual being, I am complete as I am. I am resilient, and disease has no lasting power over me. Regardless of the state of my physical or mental health, I can claim my healing and feel restored through my connection with God. I connect with the part of me that is one with Spirit. My breath reminds me of the life force that animates me. As I breathe deeply, I feel the divine presence within and all around me. 

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.”—Mark 5:34

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Let Go Let God Transition

I Flow With Life's Changes.

Looking at my image in a mirror, I see myself at times when my life was changing. I may see the grinning child who lost a tooth for the first time or the proud student on graduation day. Perhaps I recall my ambitions as I embarked on my career. Maybe I feel a tinge of sadness revisiting the pain of the loss I felt during my more difficult transitions. As I have grown spiritually, I have learned to flow with life’s transitions. I know that, even during the most challenging changes, God remains a constant presence. I will always be divinely protected and one in God with the people I have loved. Moving willingly and gratefully through my transitions deepens and strengthens my awareness of God and of myself as a divine being. 

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.—Ecclesiastes 3:1

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Let Go Let God Feel Adventurous

I Feel Adventurous As I Try New Things.

Sometimes instead of feeling in the groove, I may feel as though I’m stuck in a rut. My life may seem like an endless to-do list, filled with obligations. I may feel less joyful in my relationships. When this happens, I remember my outlook and attitude, and not outer events or other people, determine my experience. I become adventurous by trying new things. Even starting small—taking a new route, testing a new recipe, or making a new friend—opens me up and makes life feel fresh and exciting. Faith-filled living helps make adventure feel easy and natural. Whatever I do and wherever I go, God is with me. My life becomes an ever-renewing adventure when I live from my divinity. 

But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act—they will be blessed in their doing.—James 1:25 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Let Go Let God Know Inner Peace

My Soul Is At Peace Through My Oneness With God.

I experience peace on a soul level. I think of the words of the psalmist, “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God,” and feel awe as I ponder the wonder of the Divine. I experience a deep longing to feel a closer connection with God—with divine power and divine peace. I discover deep, undisturbable peace as I pray. Prayer feeds my soul’s desire to feel my connection with the Divine. I enhance my awareness of God in the Silence, leaving me replenished and renewed. I feel kinship with all people and most important, my oneness with God. Peace fills my soul. My mind is calm and my heart content. I am in the world but not of it. No matter what happens in the world or in my life, nothing can disturb the peace of my soul. 

As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.—Psalm 42:1

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Let Go Let God In Remembrance

I Remember And Bless Those Who Have Passed

On this day I honor and celebrate the lives of my ancestors. I pay respects and remember the many ways my family and friends have enriched my life. I take time to savor the sweet memories we have shared. I find comfort trusting that life is eternal and our bonds with one another are unbreakable. There is more than enough room in my heart to celebrate the cherished times and precious memories of my loved ones. I am deeply grateful for the many ways they have enriched my life and helped me to grow. I honor the lives of those who have passed and have blessed my life and the world. With heartfelt gratitude and love, I surround them in the light of peace. 

Then he took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “Do this in remembrance of me.”—Luke 22:19

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Let Go Let God Fearlessly

My Heart Is Free From Fear.

American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau wrote, “Nothing is so much to be feared as fear.” I take those words to heart as I search my mind for thoughts and beliefs that cause me to shrink from life, doubt my abilities, or withhold my gifts and talents. Today I deny the power I may have given to fearful thinking. I remember I am foremost a divine being, endowed with many spiritual gifts. Aligning myself with the presence and power of God drives fear away. I am brave as I live from my divine identity, knowing the wisdom, power, and intelligence of God are mine to express as only I can. Nothing and no one will cause me to feel afraid. I am one with God, powerful and fearless. 

I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.—Psalm 34:4

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Let Go Let God Be Protected

I Am Protected By The Light Of God.

Wherever I am, I am loved and protected. The love of God is within me and all around me, constantly guiding me to my highest good. The light of truth illuminates my consciousness. Good comes to me, and good comes through me. God is my strength, my peace, and my all. I release thoughts of fear and worry and everything else that is not spiritual truth. I no longer give the past any power. Instead, I listen to my inner voice that reminds me I am always cared for. I am whole and complete, fully equipped to meet any challenge. The fullness of God gives me the courage and strength to realize the magnificence of who I am. Wherever I am, God is, and all is well. 

So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”—Hebrews 13:6

Monday, October 30, 2023

Let Go Let God Surprise

I Open My Heart To Blessings And Welcome The Surprises Coming My Way.

Daily routines can be a comfort, but if my life becomes too predictable, I can become numb to the world’s wonders. Today I renew my capacity to surprise myself by trying something new. I may travel somewhere unfamiliar and exciting, or do something thrilling, all just for the fun of it. I also welcome surprises that come to me as serendipity. When I receive an unexpected invitation, when someone remembers me with a visit or a gift, when I get a flash of inspiration like a bolt out of the blue, I can sense the presence of God and my intuition urging me to try new things. Life feels fresh and exciting through surprises. I see each one as an invitation, a way to meet my good and grow through the experience. 

Amazement seized all of them, and they glorified God and were filled with awe.—Luke 5:26

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Let Go Let God Imagine

I Imagine And Create My Most Magnificent Life.

I admire the storyteller’s gift for creating fantastic worlds where impossible things happen. I immerse myself in the story, allowing myself to feel the wonder, the exhilaration, and even the sadness the storyteller’s imagination has created. No matter how scary the story, there is nothing to fear. It is only a story. My imagination helps me create my life story. Guided by divine wisdom and will, I imagine a positive, meaningful life. If disturbing thoughts cloud my imagination, I remember I am God’s living expression. There is nothing to fear. My spiritual gifts of faith, love, strength, and understanding join with my imagination to build the fulfilling life my heart desires. 

I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.—Joel 2:28

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Let Go, Let God

My Awareness Of My Faith Deepens As I Grow In Trust In God.

When I think of the phrase letting go, I picture a balloon being released from its holder’s hand, soaring higher and higher until it can no longer be seen. I use this picture as an exercise in faith. I can think of the balloon as my negative thoughts or experiences troubling me or the dreams and wishes I may be hoping for. I bless them all and envision them ascending and floating away. Letting go also means inviting the Divine into my awareness. As I release my figurative balloon, I also release expectation about what might happen next. I relax and trust my guidance to lead me to my good. I lean into my faith for patience as I let go of expectation. There are no limits to God’s good. I find comfort in this truth, and I await the best outcome for all. 

He replied, “What is impossible for mortals is possible for God.”—Luke 18:2

Friday, October 27, 2023

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Turn Within And Offer Forgiveness Easily.

Sometimes someone may say or do something that hurts my feelings or provokes me to anger. Before I respond, I take a breath and quiet my mind so I can turn within and access my heart center. There is only love and kindness there. This is the place within me that enables me to embrace the good in myself and all others. My unconditional acceptance leaves no room for negative thoughts or spiteful feelings. Forgiveness comes easily to me because I trust in the divinity, the inherent goodness in each of us. Just as I forgive others, I also forgive myself for those times I caused another to be hurt. It becomes ever easier to forgive and be patient when I remind myself we are still growing into the fullness of our divine expression. 

But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered.—Psalm 130:4

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Let Go Let God Through Guidance

I Am Divinely Guided And Directed Through Spirit Within.

In the quiet of the Silence, I relax and listen for my still, small voice. This voice is my intuition, my nudge from the mind of God, pointing me in the direction of my highest good. I may receive information and advice from my friends and family, or I may do some research on my own. But I place the most value and trust in the insight I receive when I listen to my intuition the most. More than that, relying upon my guidance heightens my awareness of God’s presence and deepens my trust in God’s goodness. I listen to my still, small voice and feel confident following its guidance. The more I follow it, the more I feel I am cocreating with the Divine to live my fullest, richest life. 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God.—Romans 12:2

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

My Healing Prayers Bless The World With Love And Light.

Praying uplifts my soul, nurturing and blessing me and those I hold in prayer. I open my heart to the love of God and behold the divine light of truth in everyone. I hold every being on the planet in love and light. When challenges, discord, and tensions arise, I pray affirming harmony, clarity, and the right outcome, blessing all concerned with peace and wellness. I surrender all fears and worries that may have crept into my thinking. I release any judgments and attachments to outcome. I trust that everything is working for the highest good. I see all those in need of prayer at peace in God. I hold a vision of a world where everyone awakens to their divine nature, and together, we create heaven on earth. 

To this end we always pray for you, asking that our God … will fulfill by his power every good resolve and work of faith.—2 Thessalonians 1:11