With A Grateful Heart, I Bid The Year Farewell.
As the year draws to a close, I reflect upon the joyful times as well as the lower points of the past several months. In a prayerful moment of contemplation, I feel gratitude as I accept all of it. I may have laughed and cried, celebrated and grieved, but I made it. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I have met the year’s events with faith and have grown resilient. Now it’s time for me to let it all go as I prepare to begin again. I take the lessons of the past 12 months—their joys and sorrows—and prepare myself for the new year. I let go and let God as I spiritually surrender my hopes and dreams and even my fears. I am divinely guided and infinitely blessed. I step boldly and bravely into a year that is mine to live to the fullest.
Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord.—Psalm 4:5